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3rd person's pov-

The next morning, Louis and Marcel walked to school together, hand in hand. They weren't afraid to show off their relationship.

When they got to school, it was obvious everyone was staring and whispering about them. But they didn't notice, they were too caught up in each other.

When both went to their lockers,wich were right next to each other, and got their stuff.

Suddenly Louis closed his locker and turned to Marcel and whimpered.

"Babe they're staring and its making me pretty uncomfortable...plus I think they're just going to bully me more now.."

Marcel gave him and small smile"no they won't babe, ill protect you, plus there's no reason why we'd be split up, we have all our classes together now"

"We what?"

Marcel chuckled nervously"I talked to the school when you fell asleep and got our classes rearranged so we'll always be together and so I can protect you at all times."

Louis felt like crying "thats so sweet of you, your the best"

"Anything for my omega"

My omega.

Louis' smile grew even wider."Marcy..I lo-"

"Umm Exsuse me?"

Their heads imendently snapped over to the small omega standing in front of them.

She was very short, under 5 feet tall. She had long dark brown hair and she also had one light blue eye and one darker green eye, it was kinda cool. She was wearing a black tank top, that hung low and a pair of black, high-waisted booty shorts.

Marcel rolled his eyes"I'm not interested" he was tired of girls trying to get with him, only trying to get to his brothers.

The girl made a playful disgusted face "oh god no" she giggled "I'm not here for that"

"Then what are you here for?"

She rolled her eyes at his tone"your blocking my locker, idiot."

Marcel raised his brow bit didn't say anything, and moved to the side. The girl opened her locker, the name 'Alex' carved into it.

She quickly grabbed her books and closed it again. She started to walk away but she suddenly turned around."by the way, I don't appreciate your attitude towards an innocent omega, I'm not trying to get in your pants and I never will" she glanced around before moving the strap to her shirt to the side, showing off her mating mark."I'm mated and married" she also held up her right hand,now showing off a rose gold ring, with the female symbol on it.

Marcel opened his mouth to apologise, but was cut off by the bell. Students quickly scattered everywhere, hurrying to get to class before they get in trouble.


It was lunch time and Louis was no where to be seen.

He had left to go to the restroom and never came back, Marcel was very worried if Edward and his group or Lottie and her friends bullied him again.

We Can Make It If We Try (Styles Triplets X Louis)**ON HOLD**Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang