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3rd person pov-

Marcel was walking down the hallway when he heard shouting.


Marcel's eye widened and he quickened his pace and as he turned the corner he saw nick pinning Louis up against the lockers.

"But I'm not going to hurt you.....they are"Nick stepped to the side and Edward and harry stepped forwards, smirking.Louis' eyes widdened and he started to squirm around, trying to run.

Edward stepped up to him and punched him right in his side as hard as he could.Louis quickly doubled over in pain,wimmpering.

Harry stepped up as well and raised his fist, only for Marcel to step in front of him and grab his fist.

"Dont touch him"

Harry lowered his fist and raised his brow.

"Alright, we wont mess with him," He looked over at Louis with a smirk "today."

Edward and his group walked away, while sending glares to Louis and Marcel.

Marcel turned around to help louis, and take him to the nurse. As he turned around Louis cowered away from him.

"P-p-please d-don't hurt m-me!"He wimmpered.

Marcels heart broke at the sight.

Marcel didn't say anything, he took a step forwards and Louis backed up against the lockers, closing his eyes and preparing to be hit.

But it didn't happen.

Instead, Marcel grabbed his wrist and pulled him down the hallway, towards the door.

"W-what are you d-doing?" Louis asked, struggling to try to get out of his grasp."l-let me g-go! Y-you better not try a-anything!" He yelled.He managed to pull his hands away from Marcel and took off running down the hall.

Marcel quickly caught up to him and grabbed his shoulders, turning him around so he could face him.

"L-let me go! P-please d-dont t-touch me--"

"I was just going to take you back to my place to put some cream on your bruises and clean the cut you got on your shoulder blade from the lockers, so please stop struggling so I can help you." He said, looking straight into louis' bright blue eyes"orrrr," he started, smirking "I can leave you here and let Edward and harry finish what they started"

Louis' eyes widened."N-No! Ill stop!"

Marcel nodded."thats what I thought"

He grabbed Louis wrist again and lead him to his black Range Rover. Louis' eyes widened."woah" Marcel smiled at him and opened the door, having to help louis inside the tall car.

The ride to Marcels house was awkward.

Once they arrived, Marcel helped Louis out of the car.

"Woah" Louis said, looking up at the large house, eyes wide.

The house was two stories(4 if you count the basement and attic) but very wide, and it cupped around the drive way, like an upside down U. The entire house was covered in multiple shades of grey stone, except for the window frames and door frames, wich were a white and light grey marble. There was a marble fountain in the middle of the large drive way and it had rose bushes around it. The drive way was also made out if light grey stone bricks. The door was a dark wood and there was two pillars holding up a balcony above the front door.(I suck at explaining things so here's a pic)

We Can Make It If We Try (Styles Triplets X Louis)**ON HOLD**Where stories live. Discover now