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*3rd person pov*

Later that night, Louis and Marcel (a/n: I almost wrote harry and confused myself for about 10 minutes and had to reread my own book*facepalm*) went to the Triplets house again, after a long day at school. Through out the rest of the day, they only got a few mean looks but other than that, it was fine.

When they were there, they stayed cuddled up on Marcels bed, just enjoying eachothers company.

Then, Louis remembered why he asked to come over.

"Hey babe?" Louis asked, looking up at his alpha. Marcel hummed, lettimg him know he was listening, while his eyes were still closed."I need to talk to you about something.."

Marcels eyes shot open and he quickly sat up"Why?what's wrong? Did I do something?are you breaking up with m--"

Louis cut him off by pessing his lips against Marcels and after a few seconds, he pulled back.

"No,Marcy,"he giggled"you didn't do anything and I'm not breaking up with you," Marcel let out a sigh of relief wich made Louis roll his eyes fondly at him,"but I need to talk to you about-"he paused"actually,how about I just show you?"

Marcel was very confused and nodded uneasily.

Louis stood up and went over to his bag that had his clothes in it, seeing as he already planned to stay over.

He went in the bathroom and Marcel was left confused.


After about 5 minutes, Louis peaked his head out the door.

"Babe?" Marcel hummed again."do you promise not to judge me?" He said quietly.

"I promise."

After a few seconds of silence, Louis stepped out.

"Oh my god.."


Hahaha that's all you get!😈

I'm evil😂

What do you think Louis was going to show him?

Let me know what you think!

Thank you for all the love and support!

(I had a really long chapter (4k words) already written out and I was gonna post it but Wattpad deleted it and I cried for a few days and desided to change the story a bit and stick to shorter chapters and I wrote this litterally in 5 minutes bc I have to go to parent teacher conferences 😡😬😒)

All the love, A x

We Can Make It If We Try (Styles Triplets X Louis)**ON HOLD**Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu