I walked slowly, looking at each photo, my fingers tracing over each of them as I read the captions.

The day I joined the company, noticed you, had dinner with you and started this journey with you.

It was summer and yet it wasn't the sun that made me sweat. It was you staring back at me through the mirror.

You asked me for the time today. It was 1.38am and we were still practicing. My heart leapt when you talked to me again. I don't think you knew

I was exhausted today... somehow you knew and got me ice cream. Vanilla with chocolate chips on a cone - it became my new favourite flavour

Autumn was just around the corner but it was warm, like your smile when I handed you a biscuit

You looked so tired today. I wanted to do something... so I left a drink on your chair

"That was you?" I asked, turning to him.

Jackson smiled shyly, nodding at me. He was quiet, hovering by my side, observing my expressions while I turned back to continue looking at the photos.

You looked like an angel, the sun making you glow so brightly today that my heart hurt

What is this I feel? I don't know but I like it. I like you

I wanted to prove myself to JYP and you actually helped me remember some moves. The image of you doing those moves are burnt into my mind

I trained till late that night. I knew I had to prove myself to everyone before approaching you

I asked for us to be in the same group on this day. You said yes

"Remember this? I still do" Jackson laughed, pointing at the photo. I blushed, nodding. I knew that he never got over me joining another group.

The next photo was him pouting at the camera with the caption - I guess I have to prove myself to you.

I laughed, stroking his bottom lip in the photo, turning to catch him blushing. He's so adorable.

I turned back to the photos, continuing to read the captions while holding his hand in mine.

Learning Korean faster only because I would be able to talk to you

You just had a haircut. I wanted to run my hands through your hair so badly

See the joy on my face? This was the day we got placed into the same group - also the day I realised that we would be working together a lot more

Was chosen to do flips. Sense of achievement unlocked

Everywhere, everything reminds me of you

Martial arts training was painful, I kept falling down, but for our group I can do it

I frowned, turning to look at Jackson. He smiled, shaking his head. He moved to hug me from the back, pressing a kiss against my neck.

I wrapped my arms over his, continuing to look at the other photos.

The day you ruffled my hair - my new favourite gesture of all. Especially because it's from you

The day I realised our hands fit each other's perfectly. Also the day I started sticking to you

You told me about your worries today. Don't you see? You're perfect to me

Your hugs are the best, especially when you cup my head to you

You, you are my paradise

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