Checking In ~ 11

55 3 2

~The Next Morning~

I woke up to be flooded with all the memories of my troubles. "Ugh, this is gonna be a great day" I mumbled to myself sarcastically.

It was time to check on Dan again. Claire came to my room to see if I was awake. "Good morning sleepyhead" She greeted.

"Morning" I replied.

"You doing okay?" She asked.

"Depends what your definition of 'okay' is" I replied, laughing a little bit.

"Aw" She smiled in pity. Then she sat down on my bed beside me. "Now get ready, unless you don't wanna come"

"No it's okay, I do" I said, whilst getting out of bed and heading to the closet. I changed into my DanTDM Merch as I thought it would be appropriate. I headed into the bathroom to finish up getting ready.

When I was finished my morning routine, I got out of the bathroom and Claire spotted me.

"Great! Now let's go meet the others downstairs, we're going to McDonalds for breakfast" Claire said.

"Really??" I asked, excitingly.

"Yes! Come on" She commanded.

I walked down the stairs to meet my friends, then we ran outside.

Once we were all in the car, we started driving to our breakfast destination. I put on the radio and music started to play. The sky was blue, the trees were green, everything looked beautiful. I was hoping that the good weather would represent my day.

As we drove, we passed the road where the incident happened. Even though I was already thinking about it, seeing a part of it made it feel so much worse.

A tear slid down my face, but I hid it from my friends. 'I'll be fine' I thought to myself. But how soon? That was the question.

I was starting to feel sick because of how my emotions were affecting my body, but my attention quickly moved when the radio started playing my favourite song, Slow Hands by Niall Horan. This song was what I needed, it wasn't sad.

My friends started singing along and I joined them, but I sang louder. Not too long after, we were all screaming the lyrics.


We were all singing and smiling at eachother until I noticed someone next to us rolling their window down, staring at us. I pointed them out to my friends "Guys there's someone staring at us" I said.

They looked over and then, the window was open enough to see a man. "Be quiet, would you?! Some people are trying to drive here!" He scolded us.

We all looked at eachother and just started laughing, then we continued singing.


At this point, we had our breakfast and we were now reaching the hospital. I was still singing songs on the radio until I spotted the building, that's when my mind grew darker.

I wasn't as enthusiastic anymore, but I still got out of the car and ran to the front doors, as fast as I could.

I grabbed onto the door handle and pulled open the door. I let my friends go in and I went in after.

As we entered the lobby, I sat down on a couch and eagerly waited for the elevators. I tapped my foot on the floor at a very quick pace and I let my elbow rest on the arms of the couch, while my head was laid in my hand.

When I spotted my friends heading into an open elevator, I ran from my seat.

It moved up a few floors and we were presented with a hallway. I lead us to the room that Dan was being hospitalized in, and we all went in.

I saw Jemma sitting there, just like last time. And on the bed I saw Dan, wide awake. Before he could spot me, I turned to my friends.

"Guys I don't know if I can go any further" I admitted.

"Why?" Claire asked.

"Dan is awake" I answered.

"Oh that's fine! Don't worry, you can talk to him" Katey assured.

"I don't know, I'm too nervous" I replied.

"We'll be right beside you" assured Sophey.

I let out a breath and walked further into the room. I decided to say hi to Jemma first.

"Hey Jemma" I greeted.

"Hm?" She didn't recognize me for a second "Oh! Hi!"

"Are you guys doing okay?" I asked.

"I'm doing fine and so is Dan" She said "Don't worry"

I was so relieved to hear that. "Thank you so much" I smiled at her, and she smiled back. "I'm gonna talk to Dan now"

Jemma nodded her head.

I was starting to regret my decision, and I was getting really nervous, but there was no going back now.

I went over to the hospital bedside and my friends looked over at me. Then, Dan saw me.

"Hey Dan, I know you don't know me-" He cut me off.

"Oh, are you the girl that waved to me outside my car? And called the police? Jemma talked to me about you! Selene, was it?" He asked.

I didn't reply cause I was in shock. He knew my name? And everything I did? Wait, but why isn't he mad at me?

"Y-yes!" I stuttered. "Aren't you mad at me though?"

He looked confused "No? Why would I be?"

"I was the one who distracted you from the road! That's why you-" He cut me off again.

"Nonono, it was just because of the person behind me" He reassured me "I promise it's not your fault"

"Thank you" I smiled. "How are you doing?" I asked him.

"I'm getting better, around a week from now, I'll be able to get out of this place and then keep on touring" He answered.

"That sounds great, I'm glad you're okay" I told him.

"Thank you" He smiled at me.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 08, 2018 ⏰

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