Time to leave ~ 8

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~Selene's POV~

It was now 7:00 PM/19:00. The doctors of the huge hospital said I should leave and that it's getting kind of late. I asked to stay for a bit more. Maybe half an hour. Jemma was seated beside me, she looked tired but she forced herself to stay awake.

Claire was seated to my left. She had just been watching videos on her phone to snap away from reality for a bit. Sadly, she wasn't watching Dan. Though, I didn't know if watching him would make me happier or more upset.

Claire wasn't really the type of gamer. She liked watching YouTubers like iiSuperWomanii, Liza Koshy, Zoella, Dan and Phil, etc. She just binged watched a bunch of YouTubers that she liked.

I, just waited. I just sat in my seat, waiting. I wasn't bored like I'd usually be, because my mind was running marathons.

In the middle of my thoughts, I got a text. It was from Sophey.

It read 'Hey, where r u guys?'

I forgot completely to tell Katey and Sophey about this incident. I hadn't even had a glance at my phone, and that was a shocking fact. Claire knew how glued I was to my iPhone 7. I had bought it a few days before I came to England. I was immediately in love. I was pretty much a huge fangirl, of like, everything. Phones, games, drawings, companys, movies, television shows and especially, celebrities. The fact that I hadn't touched my phone while it was in my pocket, was surprising.

My finger came in contact with the button that sticked out of the side. It immediately gave me a response and instead of seeing the usual "Slide to Unlock" screen, I had the new fingerprint feature that unlocked my phone immediately. I saw a red '1' on my Messages app. I tapped it and then the group chat with the 4 of us (Me , Claire, Katey and Sophey), opened up.

I texted a reply which read 'Haven't even entered the tour'

I got a quick response from Katey right after "?!?!"

I texted them back and told them it was a long story. "Explain, now." Katey insisted. "Ok, basically..." I started off with.

I explained the whole thing to them. "Are you kidding me!?" Replied Katey. "Oh my god, u must be devastated!" Added Sophey.

"Yeah..." I replied. Usually, the 2 of them and Claire would be shipping me with Dan, they liked to tease me, but secretly, I didn't care. This time, they didn't because I was obviously not in the best situation. "When are you guys coming back?" Asked Katey. "In a few minutes" Claire bumped into the conversation. "Okay" Katey replied.

"Sel, r u ok?" Asked Sophey. "Yeah, why?" I asked back. "Ok, just making sure." She answered "He'll be ok, don't worry"

"Thanks" I sent, while a smile emoji followed.

After a few minutes, Claire said that we should leave. I tried stalling as much as I could, because for some reason, I wanted to stay. I had this gut feeling that told me to remain in this hospital. Something was holding me back, the feeling that if I wasn't in the same building as Dan, something would happen.

Claire talked me into leaving. She said he would be ok and that I couldn't stay here, I had things to do. Like, crying my heart out.

We left the big building and started to walk home. My brain forced me to look back at the building, and take it in. While that was happening, I saw Jemma walk out the front door. I guessed that Jemma was also ordered to leave, as Dan would probably be in between the white walls for a while. The sky was now beautiful shades of pink, purple and orange, but the pretty colours were a bit drained out by the drizzle of water.

I felt a bit cold, but I was used to it. I am from Canada after all, so this temperature was nothing. One thing I noticed though, is that it rains a lot in England. Not lots of rain, but most of the time, theres a bit of water pouring from the sky. This was kind of cliché, as an amazing day turned into a devastating one, while it rained. I saw a silver-white car pull up beside Claire and I, where the sidewalk met the road. I still had not gotten used to the fact that these people drove on the left side of the black concrete.

Jemma rolled down her window and told us to get in, as the slight drizzle was getting heavier.

OH MY GOD O MAH LORD OMG WHAT IS HAPPENING - Definition of my head while this happened. I kept it cool on the outside and asked her, "Are you sure?"

"Of course! After what you did for Daniel and me? I have to owe you. Plus, the rains starting to get heavy, I can't just leave you guys to walk" She answered.

"Alright" I smiled "Thank you"

"Thank you so much" Claire also thanked her. Jemma responded to us with a smile. It was getting dark while she drove us to our destination.

We reached Sophey's house, thanked Jemma and got out of the expensive car. We walked to the door while Claire was staring down at her phone, smiling. Teasing her, I asked her "Texting your boyfriend?"

"What!? No. Unless you say DanIsNotOnFire is my boyfriend. Oh my god, I actually wish. But he's taken by Phil" She fake frowned. Of course she was watching YouTube. She was just like me. But I only smiled at DanTDM when I was watching YouTube. I didn't know how I was going to watch his videos now. Was he going to upload? Maybe an update video, or pre-recorded one that Jemma would upload.

"Hey, by the way, you shouldn't ask me. Ask yourself. I've seen the way you smile at Dan" She smirked as we reached the doorstep. I rang the doorbell and replied to her "I don't watch Dan like you do" I tried to confuse her, as me and her both had different YouTube interests with the same name.

"Ok, you know which Dan I'm talking about" She replied. Before I could respond with even an emotion, Sophey answered the door with her dog sitting beside her. She immediately hugged me. I smiled. "Thanks" I said to her. She just grinned back. We stepped into the house and walked in further. Katey was seated on a couch with her phone in her left hand, eyes focused onto the rectangle miracle in her fingers. Well, not so much a miracle, cause she was a fan of Android. I personally like Apple 100x more.


"Hey Sel" She put her phone face down on the couch and stood up. "Hey KitKat" I hugged her. KitKat was my nickname for her, because I loved the chocolate, and the name was just perfect for her.

I felt a vibration in my pocket that sent a tingle through my thighs. I took out my ACTUAL miracle and pressed the home button. I tried looking at the notification, but my lock screen reacted to my fingerprint too quickly. I pulled down the tab at the top of my screen and pressed the notification that was most recent.

It was from my mom, and the text read, "She's been 17, almost 18, years oblivious!"

I was confused, but a minute after, my mom texted me again, "Oh my god, that was not meant for you, sweetie. I meant to send it to your dad"

"Just ignore it" She added.

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