Tragedy ~ 7

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~DanTDM's POV~

My vision was blacked out. I opened my eyes to find myself in a hospital. My eyes darted around the room as I spotted a few white chairs and a black computer that was powered on. There was a chart that I'm pretty sure was checking my heart rate. The room was just full of tools and lots of weird objects that I had never seen before.

I sat up to see the room in full view. I was so confused, like I just zoned out. I didn't know who I was for a few seconds, I was trying to take it all in. After what felt like years, I was snapped back to reality. My brain couldn't function.

I saw my wife walk through the door. It all seemed like a blur until now. She was wearing a teal blue tank top with a white cardigan. The sky was all shades of pure blue. The sun spread beautiful colours across the sky. Then, Jemma walked over to me and hugged me. I just realized what had happened.

A hospital meant I was hurt, like, badly. I had no idea why though? Why was I in more pain than usual, mentally and physically? "Excuse me ma'am, please don't-" I heard one of the male doctors stop themselves.

I guess Jemma really needed to see me. I didn't understand why I was here. Did something tragic happen? I was still confused.

"Daniel, don't ever do that to me again" Jemma said to me, almost in tears. "W-What did I do?" I asked her, wondering. "You don't remember?" She asked. "N-No" I stuttered. " you remember anything else?" She asked again. "Yeah...or at least...I think so" I answered.

I guess she wanted to test me. "Ok then, who am I?" She asked. "Jemma! My beautiful wife!" I flattered her. She smiled while a tint of pink coloured her cheeks. "Do you know what your full time job is?" She asked. I hesitated for a while...

I tried to remember, but I couldn't, it seemed so important, like it had to be stuck somewhere in my head. I stared at the colourless walls, trying to think of the answer. Then, it struck me. "My tour!! What happened to it? Are people waiting?! Did I finish it already?!" Questions jumped around in my head, like heated particles (MY GRADE 6 SCIENCE CLASS PAYED OFF :3)

Jemma tried to speak but I cut her off, not noticing "Dan, it's alrigh-"

"How long have they been waiting?! Please, answer my questions!"

"Dan, calm down! The police are there right now" Jemma told me. "Really?! W-What am I going to do? I don't even know why I'm here! Or how long I'll stay in this building!" I panicked. I didn't know what was going on, how would I ever make it up to my fans waiting for what seemed like hours!?

"Dan, please, we've got it under control, don't stress yourself out, it's bad for your health, especially considering the condition you're in right now" She warned. "Yeah, thanks...I just..." I hesitated. "Well, at least you remember what your job's very important to you" She knew how I felt.

Just then, I felt a punch in my stomach. The pain was starting to kick in. I held the blood stained t-shirt trying to get some kind of grip of my wound. "Agh" I blinked. Jemma started to look worried "D-Dan, are you ok?!" She asked. "Y-Yeah" I lied.

"Excuse me ma'am, I think he needs some time to himself" One of the female doctors said, in her smooth, high pitched voice. "W-Wait!" I stopped her "First tell me what's going on!"

"You'll know in a while, just get your rest first" The same doctor advised me. I stayed silent as I waved to Jemma as she walked out the door.

~Selene's POV~

I was still sitting in the waiting room. The doctors had all the information from me that they needed. The only reason I was here now, was for Dan. To see him. Not just cause he's my idol, but he was hurt.

I spotted a woman come out of his room, it was Jemma. She looked better than before, but still worried. Of course I didn't bother asking her any questions. Claire was beside me, she was also doing better. Me, I would usually be fangirling so much if I saw my idol. But I wasn't. I hated myself right now, for causing him to get hurt. Claire keeps telling me it wasn't my fault, but I feel like if it wasn't for me, Dan would be fine.

But he wasn't fine. He was probably in major pain and stressing about his tour, unless he forgot. Oh my god, what if he had amnesia?! Ok, I told myself not to think about the worst that could happen. I sat frozen in the hospital waiting room on a chair with a rubber seat. I'd be so bored in a normal hospital waiting room. But right now, so much thoughts ran through my head. I was dying inside. I couldn't handle the mental pain I was going through. I wanted to see him but at the same time, I didn't. I would have never forgave myself if I saw what he went through.

I couldn't imagine what he was going through, I wanted to put myself in as much pain as I put him through, but I couldn't. I couldn't just get hit by a car when I wanted to, I didn't want to hurt myself physically, but I wanted to at the same time. All these emotions kept flowing through me.

I cleared my mind with positive thoughts after a while. I couldn't take trying to feel Dan's pain, it hurt me too much. I just thought that Dan would be ok. That the worst hadn't happened. It wouldn't happen. Dan was still alive and was in a good, caring hospital. He would be ok after this, I was sure of it.

Jemma walked towards me and sat on the empty rubber seated chair beside me. She smiled a heartwarming smile to me and said Hi. "Hi" I smiled back at her. "I'm guessing you were on the way to his tour" She predicted, and she predicted correctly.

"Yeah" I answered. "You must be a huge fan to come here and wait for him, for so long" She questioned. "Well, yeah. He was hurt, I couldn't just not do anything, but Claire was the one who called the police, I just sat on the sidewalk balling my eyes out" I let out a small laugh.

Jemma let out a small grin as well "Well, you guys were the ones who brought him here. Thank you so much" . "No Problem" I smiled at her.

"Though..." I hesitated "You shouldn't thank me". Jemma then put on a questioned face "Why?"

I didn't say anything. I just stayed silent. Should I tell her? I thought. What if she hated me after I told her? Thoughts jumped in my brain. Without thinking, I automatically said "Well..."

I had to continue "It was my fault" I blurted. She looked at me with a half confused, half shocked emotion. "No it wasn't" Claire burst in, putting her hand on my legs.

"She saw your husband and waved at him, fangirling like she usually would, and then he was focused onto the light, and another car came bursting behind him and hit the back of his car. She thinks she distracted him and that she caused it to happen" Claire continued. I just sat silently. Jemma looked at me "Is that why you apologized to me when I came into the hospital?"

I nodded. "Oh come on. Don't blame yourself, any other fan would've done the same as you" She helped talk me through it. "Yeah but-" I was about to reply until she cut me off. "But you aren't just any other fan, you came here with Dan and you're waiting for hours"

I decided not to debate against her so I smiled "Thank you". She put her hand on mine "No. Thank You". On the outside, I smiled as calmly as clouds drifting through the atmosphere. On the inside, I was going crazy, fangirling like mad. Jemma was helping ME. Out of the millions, it had to be me. 'I couldn't be happier' I thought. But then I realized, I could be happier, as Dan was still hurt. I decided not to think of the negatives. Dan was going to be ok I thought to myself.

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