Can she win? ~ 3

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~DanTDM's POV~

It's been a day since I posted my announcement video. Time to decide the 5 winners. I walked up the stairs to my white coloured office and sat in my blue-black GT Omega chair. I opened up Google Chrome on my already powered computer.

I went on YouTube and clicked on 'My Channel'. It appeared with my blue logo and channel art, as usual.

I clicked on my most recent video and took a stroll through the comment section, to find 5 lucky people to win a free ticket to my tour and meet me!

The first comment I chose, was written by 'Sydney Allen'

Sydney Allen 2 hours ago

Hey Dan! I really love you and your videos so I'd really appreciate it if you could let me and my friend have tickets to your tour! Thanks

But I didn't give her the plus one because another comment caught my eye.

Selene Middleton 1 minute ago

I really wanna win a ticket. And with the Plus one please. I Absolutely love your videos and you make me smile everyday. You are the reason I have YouTube and ur my biggest inspiration.

Thank You for reading xxx

It was funny that she named herself Selene Middleton xD Unless...her last name is actually Middleton...

Anyways, I replied to the 2 comments and then scrolled further into the comment section and picked 3 more people and replied to them too.

I had a feeling they would all be freaking out ;) xD

~Selene's POV~

2:00 PM

I was on my desktop computer and was watching YouTube videos. Surprisingly, not DanTDM videos XD I was still waiting for him to upload. But at the moment, I was watching LDShadowLady. Well, until I had noticed I got a notification..

I opened up my gmail account. I clicked on the white 'Inbox' Button. I went to the 'Social' Tab. Right away, I saw one of the messages with Dan's YouTube name. I got excited because I assumed it was just because he uploaded a video.

But then I remembered I was in the 'Social' would that mean? Out of confusion , I checked what the whole message said. 'New reply from TheDiamondMinecart // DanTDM'.

I started freaking out. Like, A LOT. The more I thought about it, the more I couldn't believe it. 'NO. FREAKING. WAY. DANTDM , REPLIED. TO. ME!!!!

A few minutes later...

I Started texting Claire and all my other friends. And I told Connor. Well...he heard me screaming "I GET TO MEET DANTDM FOR FREE OH MY GOD NO I CANT EVEN' 

'CLAIRE GETS TO COME WITH  ME TOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' 

"Calm down! You've been repeating the same things over and over!" I heard my brother yell. "HOW CAN I BE CALM WHEN I LITERALLY GET TO MEET DAN, I REPEAT, THE DANTDM, FOR FREE." I Yelled back. "I don't know either! How can we get you to be calm?!" He laughed.

This was so hard to take in. I never expected this. I was the most happiest I've ever been in my whole life. 

But, in the middle of my fangirling, I heard a 'ding' from my phone. I went to check, and as I was expecting, it was Claire. The message read,


A/N That's a wrap! Sorry for the kinda short chapter and the long time it took to upload. Like I said, I'm kinda busy with school coming up and everything, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter anyways! 

Thanks for reading! Ly guys! <3 xxx

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