The Road Which Ended (Prologue)

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(Kakashi's second chance.)
(Character death)

"Maa, Naruto-kun... don't cry...I'm happy."


Sakura couldn't speak through her sobs (or her grim smile), but she could hear the heart monitor begin slow with every weakening breath the man took. Sasuke stood off to the side, a hard look on his face as his fists were unknowingly clenched.

"I'll never see you again, dattebayo..." the Nanadaime Hokage muttered, happy for his first teacher yet sad for himself. The silver-haired former Copy-Nin (who still had over a thousand jutsu under his belt) smiled at his students, mask-free, revealing none of the hideous traits the rest of the original Team Seven expected as children. He'd already shown them though, a few visible smiles here and there when no one else would see.

"You will, Naruto." Kakashi said softly, feeling the growing weakness in himself. "Just don't follow after an old man like me so quickly. You two as well." He aimed a pointed look at his other pupils.

"Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura. My cute, little students..." his eyes grew heavy, and he knew he wouldn't open them again if he did. His three students, to varying degrees, flinched at his old way of addressing them.

("'M not little." Naruto muttered. "I'm the freaking Nanadaime.")

"Was I a little too early for you...?"  Kakashi chuckled, but weakly. "Ah. Sorry, you three." His dimming eyes searched for his students' faces in the blurring world. They were smiling...they were happy.

"...I wandered off the Road of Life..."

(This part is still the same. I like it too much)

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