H20Vanoss - Family Meet-up

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One night evan and jon were asleep in their bed with jon hugging evan tightly like a teddy bear then he went into a dream, he looked around to see a swamp then a guy appear out of the swamp who jon recognised as his dad jason
"hello son" jason says and he rubs jon's hair
"hey father, it is that time of year again?" jon asked
"sure is so be here or your grandmother won't be happy" jason says
"ok father, i won't let you down" jon says "love you"
"love you too son" jason says and he goes back into the swamp
jon waves goodbye then he wakes up to evan's voice
"jon!" evan says making jon grown
"what! i'm sleeping" jon says
"wake up! it's 10am" evan says
"ok ok sheesh" jon says and he sits up
"good" evan says and give jon a kiss "love you teddy bear"
"love you too honey" jon replies lovenly and blushing "...oh! i have something to tell you" he realises
"what?" evan says confused
"well...i got to go tommorow...to meet my father and my grandmother" jon says looking down then at evan
"how long for?" evan asked looking at jon
"just for the weekend" jon says "it's a yearly family reunion"
"oh i see" evan says knowing "...wait...isn't it also that time of year where the news goes crazy about killing in a camp somewhere" he says thinking it over
"really?! didn't notice" jon says lying
"aww well it's nothing" evan says "just be careful ok? i don't want to wake up to see that you're dead or something"
"ok honey" jon says hugging evan close "so...what do you want to do now?"
"well...we can either do option a which is shower, get dressed, have breakfast then do videos or option b which is...have a little fun" evan says making his voice sound sexy then wiggling his eyebrow "then we have a shower, get dressed, have breakfast then do a video"
jon though it over then looks at evan
"what's option b like?" jon asked knowing what it really was
"well...let me show you" evan says and he kisses jon on the lips
they have 'fun' for felt like forever but then they finally came out of the room after they had a shower and dressed, they have breakfast then they spend the day making videos, after the videos were made and edited evan and jon sit in the living room watching a movie
"so jon...what is your father like?" evan asked out of nowhere
"oh umm...he loves me and protects me whenever he can, he had to raised me since my mom became an alcoholic and she went to theropy to stop and...he loves me to pieces as well as my grandmother" jon says
"that sound nice, what was your mother like?" evan asked
"well i...never really saw her again after the age of 2 so i don't remember her very well but my dad told me that she used to work at a toy factory making teddy bears and she always wanted a child but forgot all the responoeabillity that go into it so that's why she turn to alcohol" jon says "i do want to meet her but my dad told me when i was 5 that she died of alcohol poisoning so i can't anymore"
"oh i'm sorry jon" evan says and he hugs jon tightly
"it's ok...it's in the past now and i still have my dad and grandma" jon says trying to not sound sad
evan then pulls away and then kisses jon on the nose making him giggle
"so what's you plan with your dad?" evan asked
"oh you know, spend the weekend with him and see what he's been up to since i last met him last year" jon says
"ok but as i said eariler, be careful ok? i love you too much for anything to happen to you" evan says and he peppers jon's face making him laugh
"ok ok i'll be carful" jon says laughing "you're so protective but i love it"
evan smiles and he kisses him on the lips having a make out, after the make out it was dinner time and it was moo's turn to cook, he cooked a big lasagna and everyone enjoyed it, after that everyone stayed up for a bit but then went to sleep in their bed, in the night jon was hugging evan when he had a dream, he was back on the swamp and his father appeared again
"are you ready for tonight son?" jason says rubbing jon's hair
"sure am dad!" jon says "i'll meet you later"
"ok son" jason says "see you later" and he disappears back in the swamp
jon smiles and then he wakes up, he looks at the time to see its 6am and he gets up to get ready, after he got ready he hears evan wake up
"you going?" evan asks rubbing his eye and going over to jon
"yeah but i'll be back monday" jon says and he give evan a kiss "bye honey" and he leaves
evan watches him go into his car though the window and he drives off, evan sighs then heads downstair after going washed and dressed, when he gets there he sees brian and craig at the kitchen table waiting for brock to make breakfast
"hi evan" craig says
"hi..." evan says and he sits down looking at the table
"where's delirious?" brian asked and brock hand him a coffee
brock then kisses brian on the side of his head then goes back to the oven to make the eggs, sausages and bacon
"he's gone for the weekend to visit his father and grandmother" evan says "he hasn't gone long and i miss him already"
"don't worry evan" brian says "me and brock will look after ya while your boyfriend is gone, right dear?" he asked brock
"sure!" brock says and he puts the food he made on to some plates
he then brings a plate of food over to brian and evan, puts them down and then goes back to sort out his and craig's food, after he did that he sat down after giving craig his plate and they all tucked in
"you know, i was looking around on steam yesterday and i found this puzzle game" brock says waving his fork around "i was going to ask brian if he wanted to play with me but as delirious is out, you can play with us too if you want evan"
"oh! ok" evan says "but note that i'll just be that back up guy waiting for you two to figure it out" and he stick a bit of egg in his mouth
"well your lucky that me and brock are really clever" brian says happily as he was eating a sausage
"your also lucky that brian's name can be repelled to brain making him more clever" brock says with a wink to brian
brian blushes and evan laughs
"what's the game called anyway?" evan asked
"it's called escape first" brock says "and i heard it's super fun"
"ok after breakfast we'll play it" brian says and they smile before carrying on eating breakfast
after they ate they went off to their offices and played the game...oh and craig was zoned out the entire time so he didn't notice or hear a thing, meanwhile jon had made it to the swamp that he saw in his dreams and he went close to it holding the stuff he packed, his father then came out of the swamp and hugged
"hey jonny" jason says after the hug
"hi dad, lovely to see you again" jon says happily "where's grandma?"
"she's at the house" jason says and puts his hand out "hold my hand"
"ok dad" jon says and he holds his fathers hand
jason then takes jon into the swamp and they reappear in a hellish world with a house in the middle, they then go over to the house and enter inside
"i left your room the way you left it" jason says and jon smiles
"ok thanks dad" jon says and he heads to his room
when he gets there he goes inside and sees his room, it was blue all over with posters of teddy bears and his dad around and on his bed was his first teddy bear, on the shelf was a picture of him with his dad and grandma with a model of a teddy bear next to it and above that self was another shelf with a picture of his mother that his dad found and a knife, a machete and a baseball bat with blood on it, jon then leaves his room and heads back down to meet his father and grandmother, when he gets there he sees his father cleaning a knife and his grandmother (i forgot to mention his grandmother is a head) is on her favourite chair
"oh if it isn't my favourite and only grandson" grandma says
"hello grandmother" jon says "long time, no see"
"it has dear, why don't you sit down and we can talk" grandma says
jon then sits down and he has a talk with his dad and grandma about the things he did since he last met them, back at the mansion and evan had finished doing his recording session with brock and brian so now he was chilling in his room lying on the bed, he was thinking at jon and how he was coping without him, he then sighs and then he checks his phone to see if he got a text from jon, he smirks to see that he did and he checks it
"at dad's place now, i speak to you when i can since i'm doing catch-up now then i'm busy later" jon's text read
"ok teddy bear, talk soon xxx" evan replies in a text back and then he checks twitter
he looks though twitter and sees people are talking about friday the 13th, evan then checks the date to see that the date was friday the 13th, he sighs then he gets up to see if his video was rendered yet which it wasn't, as evan was going back to the bed he couldn't shake a feeling about jon, he was gone and it was friday the 13th so then he put 2 and 2 together then he realised something
"no way..." evan says to himself "his dad is...wow...i didn't think he was real" he says stunned
he then sits on the bed thinking about how jon coped knowing his dad was a killer, about how jon was so loveable but his dad isn't and many other things, he then decides to keep it a secret so the other don't freak out...mainly brock since he's the mom of the group, he then lies down again on the bed and he didn't realise he fell asleep, a few hours later when it was dark jason and jon went to the camp that near the swamp and hid
"you ready son?" jason asked
"sure am" jon replies going into his madness and they get to work
they spend all night killing people till the next morning and they end up killing over 200 people, they then went back to the house at dawn and jason was proud of himself but they was something wrong with jon, he was still in his madness mode and sometimes this happens, jon wasn't used to his madness and him also being human so sometimes his madness took over him, the only was jason could calm him down was to hug him till his madness gave in
back at the mansion and evan woke up to no delirious so he sighs and decides to call him, back with jon and his father was trying to calm him down when jon's phone went off, it rang for a bit but then it went into voice mail
"jon! are you ok?" evan says on the phone and jon then looks up
"evan?" jon replies and he calms down
jon then looks around and see he was back at the house
"i hope you are ok? call me back" evan says and the phone call ends
"when...when did i get back here?" jon says looking around
"not that long ago" jason says "you went on a hell of a killing spree but...so did i"
jon smiles at his father but then remember the call from evan
"i'll be right back" jon says and heads to his room
when he gets there he picks up his phone and calls evan who responded
"hi evan, sorry for not picking up, you woke me with your voice mail" jon says
"oh! sorry jon" evan says "i was just worried since you didn't talk to me since yesterday" he says worried
"it's ok, i'm glad you called when you did" jon says "i miss you loads by the way" he added
"me too" evan says sadly then he lightens the mood "i did a recording session with mom and dad yesterday, we played a game called escape first"
"that's nice" jon says "did you have fun?"
"yeah i think..." evan says
"did you let mom and dad do all the work and you sat there" jon says and he heard evan chuckle
"you know me so well" evan says and jon laughs
"well...i leave you to do your morning thing" jon says "i'll call you later ok?"
"ok teddy bear, love you" evan says
"love you too honey" jon replies and he hangs up
he then heads back down to have something to eat, back at the mansion and evan heads to the kitchen to grab breakfast, when he gets there he sees everyone having pancakes
"hey guys!" evan says and he sits at the table by brock
"hi evan" brock says "you are happier today"
"yeah just talked to delirious, he's fine" evan says
"where is he?" lui asked
"gone to his dad's house for the weekend, he said he'll be back on monday" evan says informing the others who nod in response
"funny, i've been jon's brofriend for the longest time and i've never met his father" luke says after eating a bit of pancake
"does he talk about him" lui asked
"no not really" luke says "or his mother"
"well he told me that his father had to raise him after his mother died of alcohol poisoning when he was 5" evan says making everyone suprised
"wow...he must really trust you" luke says pointing his fork at evan
"well i am his boyfriend" evan says "been for...almost a year now"
"when's the date you two starting dating?" brock asked
"umm...1st of august" evan says
"and it's july 14th now" brock says "so it'll be...19 days till the anniversary"
"got anything planned?" brian asked
"no not yet" evan says "trying to think on what to do"
"well...if you're stuck you can ask me" brock says putting an arm around evan
"thanks mom" evan says and smiles "now time for some puncakes" he says making everyone laugh
the day went like every other day but without jon present, evan did a recording session with tyler, craig, lui, david, marcel, ryan and panda in prop hunt and it was a funny recording session, after that was done evan was finishing editing when he gets a text, he check it and sees it from jon
"hey baby how you doin', i'm having a hell of a time here" jon says in the text
"that's good teddy bear, i'm just done editing my video" evan says back in his text
"cool what did you play?" jon asked in the text
"played gmod prop hunt with tyler, craig, lui, nogla, ohm, panda and marcel" evan says in his text "it was fun but i missed your laugh"
"i miss your too" jon says in his text "oh! can you do me a favour?"
"depends what it is?" evan says
"oh it's easy" jon says "all you got to do is go on my computer and check if my video has been uploaded"
"i can check from my computer but...i check yours" evan says in his text and he goes into jon's office
when he gets there he opens jon's computer and see that his video was uploaded
"yep it's been uploaded" evan texted
"oh good" jon says "i have to go now, i'm going out with my dad"
"ok teddy bear, talk later xxxx" evan texted
"xxxxxxxxxxxxx🦉" jon texted back and evan smiles
even then went to his and jon's bed and had an early night, sunday went really quickly then it was monday and evan was excited to see his boyfriend again, he waited for him then he appeared when it was dusk
"vanoss!" jon shouted at the door
"delirious!" evan replies and hugged him tight "oh! i missed you so much teddy bear"
"i missed you too honey" jon says
"so how was it?" evan asked as they headed to their bedroom
"oh it was great, meeting my dad again and my grandma" jon says putting his stuff on the floor
"so jon...is your dad...jason from the friday the 13th movies" evan asked making jon look at him
"how...did you know?" jon asked suprised
"i knew it! it was a thought i got" evan says "don't worry, i won't tell anyone"
"ok good"  jon says and he pulls evan close "missed you and love you"
" i love and missed you too" evan says and then they kiss
they then went to bed and fell asleep with evan and jon cuddling
The End

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