All the Ships - Nightmare

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It was a rainy night at the mansion and everyone was asleep in their beds, evan and jon were together with evan laying flat wearing just boxers while jon was hugging him like a teddy bear wearing a blue onesie with stars on it, evan thought everytime jon wore it he looked like a man child but a cute man child and he didn't mind, tyler and craig were asleep with tyler spooning craig and he was wearing a top and pj bottoms while craig was cuddling a pillow and he was wearing pjs which tyler liked, david and lui were asleep with david having his limbs everywhere wearing a green onesie while lui was sleeping on his arm hugging a mutant worm plush wearing a dark red onesie, brock and brian were asleep with them back to back and only touching back to butt, brian was wearing just black boxers while brock was wearing pjs with a moose on the shirt, lastly luke and ryan were asleep with luke cuddling ryan close while ryan was under luke's chin, luke was wearing a devil onesie on while ryan had a bunny onesie on, everyone was fast asleep then the nightmares started to happen.

the first one to have the nightmare was jon, he was fast asleep then he woke up, he looked around and saw evan wasn't next to him so he got out of bed guessing evan must be having breakfast in the kitchen since he didn't hear the shower, he went downstairs and then he saw something that make him freeze, he saw that everyone was mannequins with them looking like his friend, he then saw the one that looked like evan and went over

"evan...evan!" jon says and he shook the mannequin to see if it'll turn back into evan

then all of a sudden the mannequin head turned on it's own and looked at jon, jon then got scared and started to move away, the mannequins all stared at him then they flowed with red eyes, jon then freaked out and bolted to the door, he tried to open it but it was locked and he saw the mannequins coming towards him, he then freak out and he screamed himself awake, he sat up with a scream then he looked around to see he was in his room with evan next to him asleep, he was suprised evan didn't wake up on how loud he screamed but then he looked at the time and saw it was 2 in the morning, he then sighs then snuggles back into evan again and falls asleep after convincing himself he was safe with evan.

the next nightmare was with lui, lui was asleep then he woke up in his bed, he looked around and saw the place looked abandoned, he got up and he went to search for his friends and david, he looked around to suddenly appear in the living room then he froze to see his friends as zombies, he was frightened so he went back upstairs to grab a gun from his room, when he got there he shut the door and looked all over the room to find a gun but they were all gone

"ugh! where've my guns gone, they're supposed to be right-" lui says and gets cut off by bangs on the door

he looks around some more for a gun in panic mode but then the door breaks down to see a zombie david in front of everyone else, lui panics and he backs up till he hits the corner of the room, the zombie of david came near him and lui closes his eyes in terror causing him to wake up with a gasp, he looks around the room to see it was back to the way it was when he fell asleep and he sighs in relief, he then looks at david who still had his limbs everywhere and he was snoring lightly, lui smiles then huddled into david hugging his worn and falls back to sleep

the next nightmare was brock's, he was asleep then he woke up and he looked around to see brian missing, brock knew something was up cause he was always awake in the morning before brian so he got out of bed to investigate, he looked around to find nothing till he got to the living room and what he saw made him shocked, he saw everyone dead on the floor with blood everywhere and this made brock frightened, he then notices brian wasn't there so he runs to the kitchen and sees brian but he was dead too

"brian!" brock shouts and goes over to brian's body

brock check for a pulse but there wasn't one and brock started to tear up, then a shadow came over him and he looked up to see a shadow man holding a knife, brock freaks out and ends up going to the corner of the wall, the shadow man came closer to brock and brock screams causing him to wake up, he looked around to see it was still dark and he heard brian turn next to him, he sighs then snuggles back down with brian near him, kisses brian on the cheek and then goes back to sleep again

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