Terrornuckle - Parents

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In the mansion everyone knows that brock (moo) and brian (terroriser) were the parents of the group, moo was the mother who cared about the others and made sure they were alright, if something went wrong he'll go and check on them and cheer them up, while brian was the dad who also care about the others but in his own way and he'll help when brock called him, everyone liked calling them the parent couple and even go as far as to call them 'mom or mum for craig and david' and 'dad' which they didn't mind, they were happy in the mansion and this night didn't feel any different to any other night

before going to bed moo would check on everyone to see if they were alright before going to bed and he first went to evan and jon's room, he looks in and see that both evan and jon were asleep with jon cuddling evan like a teddy bear, brock smiles and shuts the door, next was tyler and craig and he opens the door to see them fast asleep with tyler having his limbs everywhere while craig was asleep next to him, brock then shut the door and then went to check on david and lui, he opens the door to see lui in a ball asleep while david was next to him asleep with his back to lui, brock shuts the door and the last pair he need to check before bed was cartoonz and ohm, he opens the door and sees the pair asleep, brock then shuts the door and sighs before going to his room, when he gets there he sees brian waiting for him with his pajama bottoms on and shirtless

"are they all ok?" brian asked as brock got into bed

"yep all asleep" brock replies and then he kisses brian on the cheek "night brian"

"night moo-moo" brian says and they went to sleep close to each other

the next morning both of them were still asleep when brock woke up to someone shouting

"mom! help" the voice of lui says

moo sighs and he gets out of bed, he puts in a wine red dressing gound and he head to the kitchen where he heard the shouting, when he got there he sees all the boys fighting (which were evan, jon, tyler, craig, lui and nogla leaving cartoonz, ohm and brian still asleep)

"mom!" lui says "the others are fighting"

"boys! calm down!" moo says calmly grabbing the boys attention "your dad is trying to sleep" he couldn't believe he said that

"sorry mom/mum" the boys says

"now tell me what you were fighting about" moo says

"the pancakes jon made" lui says "it was the last piece and everyone wanted it but evan ended up having it, everyone was upset so they fought"

"well...don't do it again especially in the morning" moo says annoyed yet calm "now i'm going to check on brian and i expect this house to be clean when i get back"

"ok mom/mum" the boys says and brock goes off

"i'm glad we made brock the mum" david says

"me too" evan says

"me three" jon says tagging in

"now come on you guys, let's clean the house" craig says and they get to work

brock went back to his and brian's bedroom to see brian still asleep, he smiles and he goes over to brian to kiss him on the forehead, brian moans then turns away making brock smile, he then leave brian to sleep and check on the others, when he gets back to the kitchen he sees it's clean and the boys were standing around

"hi again mom" lui says "we've cleaned up"

"good boys now off with you all while i make mine and brian's breakfast" moo says

"ok mom/mum" the boys says and they go off to different places

moo sighs then gets to work on making a cereal, a while later brian got up and he sleepily walks into the kitchen where brock puts down a cereal box after putting in his bowl

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