All the Ships - Stuck in a Game

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One day everyone was chilling in the living room when lui come in with a game
"hey guys!" lui says happily "i got this new game today wanna play?"
"sure lui" evan says "put it in!"
lui smiles and he puts the game in while evan turns on the tv turning it to the game console, lui then sits on david's lap like he was part of the sofa and they waited it to boot up, the game was booting up like normal then it glitches out then scans everybody into the game, the game then pixels them all into a green room then the green room turns white
"we' the game" brock says looking around
the others look around to see only whiteness then evan's phone goes off making the others confused, evan takes his phone out of his pocket to see it says 'unknown' and he looks at the others before picking up
"umm...hello?" evan says though the phone
"oh thank goodness you picked up" the voice sound like a lady and a girl says
"who is it?" evan asked confused
"my name is Emily and i will help you all get out of this game that never should of been made" the voice now emily says (this is me btw)
"who is it evan?" jon asked with the other looking confused
"a guild named Emily" evan replies muting the phone then unmuting it again "so...what do we do?" he asked
"put it on speaker so i can tell everyone" emily says and evan does it "ok so basically the aim of the game is to go around existing games and completing them while trying to find a puzzle piece, these puzzle pieces are coloured crystal shapes and if you collect them all you can leave the game, there is also easter egg hovering about and if you collect all of them a secret can be shown but nobody has ever got it" emily explains "there are 6 shapes to collect in total and to do it the game will put you all in groups of 2 for the 5 shapes and for the last you'll be all together"
"that sound simple" brian says
"it does but every playthough of the game is different as there are millions of games so you each might end up in a game you know or a game you don't know, it might be popular like five nights at freddy's or unpopular like...ugh...sonic 2006" emily says and everyone was disgusted by sonic 2006 "i will be also helping you along the way telling you info about the game, tips and secrets and others" she says then a noise came from behind the group "oh i think the game is ready to start, you'll all be going in one at a time in pairs till the game ends then the next group will go in" she explained
the games stands still for a moment then a voice appears
"welcome to Game Jump" the voice says "the first pair to go is vanoss and h20 delirious"
vanoss and delirious look at each other then they were teleported away, they then reappear in a small house with a bed, a lamp and a huge house outside the window
"we're here...wherever we are" evan says looking around
"hold on...let me check..." emily says though the phone and she stays silents for a moment before gasping "you're in hello neighbour" she says
"hello neighbour?" evan says confused
"haven't you heard of it?" emily says then sighs "anyway the aim of the game is to see what is behind that door under the stairs" she says "you must travel around the house looking for keycards, keys, a crowbar and solve puzzles while not getting caught by the neighbour"
"oh yeah i've heard of that game" jon says happily "i think i know what to do...i think"
"if not i'm here" emily says "now get moving, the shape also might be in there somewhere too"
evan and jon nod and they get out of the house, they stop by a bunch of boxes as a cutscenes play of the door being shown, the neighbour locked the door and he walked away with the key
"we need to get that key" evan says to jon
"yeah and a shape too" jon says "wherever it is"
they then sneak over to the house and hid by the side
"hey emily, do you have a layout of the house?" evan asked
"umm...yes i do but i can only tell you" emily says "cause it's a big layout and if i send it to you it'll be too small to see"
evan and jon sigh while looking at each other then emily spoke again
"ok there should be a sidedoor a little more down to where you are" emily says "do you see it?"
jon and evan sneak down a little more and they then see the door with a hole above it
"yep we see it" evan says
"ok good" emily says "enter the door and sneak around, trying not to make a sound" she joked but the boys didn't get it
"ok" evan says and he was about to mute the phone and put it in his pocket when jon stops him
"wait! does your map say where the location of the object are?" jon asked
" sorry" emily says "but it does tell me where the neighbour is and he's on the third level"
"that good to know" jon says
"ok i'm going to go but if you need me just unmute your phone" emily says and she goes
evan then puts his phone in his pocket and they got to work, they jumped over gaps, used teamwork to grab stuff, avoid the neighbour, went though door and used emily for advice and help, then jon stopped making evan stop too
"what?" evan asked
"i think that a shape we need" jon says and he points to a shelf that has a shaped crystal on it
the crystal shape was a circle that was a mix of blue and red and it sat on a shelf that looked high but evan had an idea
"delirious!, get up on my shoulders" evan says making jon look at him
"what!" jon says in shock "umm...ok" and he climbs on evan's shoulders
evan pushes him up and jon can reach the shape, he grabs it then he sees a plushs toys of a owl and a raccoon so he grabs them too since they were teddy bears to him, evan then puts him down and then the words 'crystal shape obtained' was above their head followed by 'secret 1/6 obtained'
"what else was up there?" evan asked
"these" jon replies and holds out the owl and raccoon plush
the plushies has the same colours as evan's owl mask and jon's raccoon mask plus jon's had the red hockey marks on its face
"oh! i see you found the shape and the secret" emily says on the phone "good job"
"yep, found them on this shelf" evan says pointing to the shelf
"i can see" emily says "the plushies of the owl and raccoon are adorable by the way"
"you would think that" evan says
"wait! can you see us?" jon asked
"silly jon, there are cameras around remember" emily says and jon looks in the left corner to see a camera on the wall "and if you ask, the game won't let me cheat so when you enter a room the camera turns on"
"oh i see" evan says
"ok now i let you continue, you're almost finished" emily says and he goes quiet
evan and jon then continued though the house then they had everything they need so they go to the door under the stairs
"ok let's finish this!" evan says and they get to work
they pull out the nails on the wood, pull off the wood planks and stick the key in the door, they then open it to a bright light then go though, a 'level complete' sigh then appears with a 'shape obtain 1/1' then 'secret obtained 1/1' than a ranking of an A
"woo we got an A!" jon says and he high fives evan follows by a hug
they then end up back with the others in the white room which is now a lobby like room
"on your back!" lui says going up to evan and jon with the others following 
"yep and we found the shape and secret" evan says and he holds up the shape while jon holds up the plushies
"oh cool" lui says and then the shape and secret shine
they then float to where they need to be with the shape appearing on a pedestal and the plushies going in a trophy cupboard
"ok that's 1 down" emily says on the phone "5 to go!"
"oh goody i wonder who's next" tyler says sarcastically
"funny enough tyler it's you and craig" emily says making tyler huff "tyler i need you to get your phone out"
tyler huffs again and he brings his phone out, then evan calls ends and tyler's phone rings which he answers
"ok hi tyler" emily says
"first pair done, next pair is Wildcat and MiniLadd" the voice says and both tyler and craig were teleported off
they then reappear in a cave with yellow flower underneath them
"where are we?" craig asked looking around
"your in undertale" emily replies from the phone
"oh not that game" tyler says annoyed
"yep that game" emily says "where you get to meet flowey, mother, sans, papayas and the others"
craig looked excited while tyler looked disappointed and they went to the next room and they were met with flowey, flowey said his dialogue then a yellow and pink heart appeared in a box, the yellow one with black spots was craig's and the pink one was tyler's
"those are your souls" flowey says and craig was moving his around
tyler kept his still then flowey made pellets appear
"ok when the pellets pop up, dough them" emily says on the phone
flowey then shot the pellets and both craig and tyler dough them, flowey then gets angry and traps the souls in a box which made craig panic
"craig calm down! it'll be over any" emily says and on queue flowey flies away and then toriel appears
"oh! are you two okay?" toriel says "follow me my children, i will heal you up at my house" and toriel walks away
"mama!" emily says on the phone "follow mama, she's friendly"
craig follows and tyler drags behind making craig hold his hand and drag him, they make it to toriel's house where they bond with her, then fight her to get passed and then they meet sans and papyrus, they fight sans being his friends and they went though other trials meeting undyne, aphys, mettaton and finally asgore, while they were at ahpys' lab they found the shape which was a square which was pink and yellow and they found the secret at papyrus' house which were plushies of a pig and a cheetah
"oh good you found the secret and the shape" emily says on the phone
"yep now we get to finish the game" craig says and he goes off holding onto tyler's hand
they make it to asgore and fight it, then they fight omega flowey making them finish the game, a 'level complete' sigh pops up with 'shape obtained 1/1' and then 'secret obtained 1/1'
"yes! we did it" craig says "i love you tyler!" and he hugs tyler
tyler blushes a little then they were sent back to the lobby, when they got to the lobby they were met by their friends
"hey! how did it go?" evan asked
"great we were in undertale and we managed to find the shape and the secret" craig replies and he holds up the items, the items then float and go to the areas
"ok i've look it up and the next pair is...brock and brian!" emily says on the phone
"oh great! it's our turn" brian says and then his phone goes off to be emily
"second pair done, next is Moo Snuckle and The Terroriser" the voice says and both brock and brian teleport away
they then reappear in what looks to be a apartment room, they look around then see they are in a kitchen
"where are we?" brian asked to brock and the phone
"hold on...your in...pffh!. emily says and she starts to laugh
"what?" brian asked in the phone only hearing laughter
"hahaha...out...out of every game there is in the chooses this one! hahaha" emily says while laughing
"what game is this?" brock asked
"mo...mother simulator!" emily says and laughs again
"mother simulator?" brian says confused
"go into the living room and you'll see what i mean" emily says calming down a little
they head into the living room then they see a naked baby in the cot with a really ugly face
"are...are you serious?!" brian says making emily laugh again
"i...hahaha" emily says laughing "oh my gosh!"
" what do we need to do?" brock asked looking at the ugly baby
"it''s simple, you just need to take care of that baby" emily says calmed down "and for you 2 it'll be easy to find the shape and the secret since you're in an apartment building"
"that's all?" brain says "pffh that's easy"
"it is really" emily says "especially you 2 are doing it together"
brock and brian look at each other then smile in agreement, brock then goes over to the baby and picks him? up
"why is he naked?" brock says
"the nappies...sorry diaper should be in the baby room" emily says "and he'll will also asked for a dummy...oh sorry pacifier is in the kitchen that needs to be clean, you also need to feed him with formula milk you need to make yourself" she explained
"wow...this baby is needie" brian says looking at brock who put the baby down
"i go and get the diaper" brock says and goes to the baby room
"i have a feeling the game know you 2 are the group's parents" emily says "that's why it did this"
"same..." brian says and sighs
"but don't feel bad, i think you and brock are great parents" emily says
"really?" brian says
"yeah!" emily says "i remember the time you taught evan how to play mario kart and i've notice you have a very fathery voice"
brian smiles then brock comes back with baby powder and a nappie/diaper
"ok buddy, it's diaper changing time" brock says and he holds up the baby
"why don't we explore to find the shape and secret" emily says "then help brock with...what's his name?" she asked
"umm..." brian says and he looks at the baby which is being entertained by brock " is...dennis?" he says
" in dennis the menace" emily says and brian nods
" that" brian says and he looks at brock
"ok...dennis, you're all changed" brock says happily and accepting the new name for the baby
brian then leaves the find the shape and secret and he found the secret which plushies of a eagle and a cyborg horse in the baby room and he found the shape which was a kite that was black, pink and yellow in the waldrobe
"wow...that was easy to find" brian says after collecting the shape
" i said with you 2 it should be" emily says "now go help brock or something"
brian then went over to brock who just gave the baby its bottle of milk
"brian! can you get the pacifier please" brock says and brian obeyed
he went to the kitchen and he grabbed a green dummy, he then washed it and then gave it to brock who then stuck it in the baby's mouth, then a 'level complete' sigh popped up with 'shape obtained 1/1' and 'secret obtained 1/1'
"yeah we did it!" brock says and he hugs brian
"you were a good mam by the way" brian says and it made brock blush
"thanks...dear" brock says and he kisses brian on the cheek "you're a good dad"
brock and brian smile looking at each other then they get teleported back to the others
"how did it go?" evan asked as they came back
"good, we had to look after a baby" brock says "piece of cake"
"now officially you 2 are the group's parents" jon says making everyone laugh
"ok, now it's lui and david's go" emily says when everyone calms down and she phones david's phone going off brian's
"third pair done, now it's Lui Calibre and Daithi De Nogla's turn" the voice says and both lui and david get teleported
they end up in on a hill next to a grave, they look around and the place looked beautiful
"where are we?" lui asked
"let me check...hmm...ah! your in a game called brothers - a tale of two sons" emily says on the phone
"what that game aboot then?" david asked
"it's about 2 brothers who go in a quest to get medicine for their dying father" emily says "but in your case, it about you 2 getting out of the game while trying to find a shape and a secret"
"ok then let's go" david says and they go off
they go on a epic quest saving a troll couple, saving a griffin that they named evan since it was half owl, finding the shape with the griffin which was a triangle with the colours of green, brown and red, then saving a lady from a coult to then follow her and then they make it to a cave, they go inside the cave and see a lot of spider webs then lui finds the secret that were plushies of a monkey and a dog
"good you found both the shape and secret" emily says "now follow that lady then you can kill her cause she's a spider lady"
"wow! thanks for the spoilers" lui says
"hehe sorry" emily says and lui and david continue
they make it to an big area then the lady turns into a spider lady, they have a big fight then the spider lady was defeated, the spider was about to die but then she impaled a spider arm into david
"david!" lui says and he ran to david
then a 'level complete' sigh appears with a 'shape obtained 1/1' and a 'secret obtained 1/1' underneath
"david! are you ok?!" lui says in worry
"i...i think so" david says and he gets up to see no blood in impalement
"oh that's good, that really scared me" lui says
"don't worry lui, i'll never leave you" david says and hugs lui "your my little monkey"
lui laughs then they get teleported back to the lobby
"we got the shape and secret" they say as they appear and the shape and secret take their place where they are meant to be
"how'd it go?" jon asked
"good, we had a good time till david almost got stabbed" lui says
"really?" evan says suprised
"yeah but i'm okay now" david says checking himself over again
"ok next is ryan and luke's go" emily says and she phones luke's phone "you 2 ready"
"yes it's finally our go" ryan says happily
luke smiles at ryan's excitement then the voice appears
"fourth pair done, last pair is Ohmweraker and Cartoonz" the voice and and they teleport away
ryan and luke reappear in a big snowy field with luke as a fox and ryan as a rabbit
"where are we?" luke asked emily on the phone
" i don't know the game but i do have the other info here, all you do is run forward and explore" emily says
"well ok" luke says "let's go ohmie" and they go off
they run and explore the whole snowy area and they find the shape which is a star that's black and gray but they couldn't find the secret so they head to the next area, they look around then find the secret in a rabbit hole with ryan managed to collect
"good you found the shape and secret" emily says "now go!"
ryan and luke then find the end of the game and a 'level complete' appears with a 'shape obtained 1/1' and a 'secret obtained 1/1, underneath
"that was fun being a rabbit" ryan says "did you have fun toonzy?"
"yeah...i did" luke says then smiles at ryan
ryan and luke then get teleported back to the other and the items went to their places, emily then went back to evan's phone and then the voice appears again
"last pair done now final challage is with everybody" the voice says and everyone get teleported
they end in in a familiar place for some of them
"oh! i know where we are!" jon says
"me too!" evan says
"your in human fall flat!" emily says on the phone "and if i remember correctly craig, lui and luke are the only ones who haven't played this game"
"your right, they haven't" ryan says and he looks at luke
"shall we do the fountain thing" jon asked
"no don't do the fountain thing, just play the game" emily says on the phone
evan and jon sigh then the game begins, they had fun pushing each other the cliff, teaching luke, craig and lui how to play, solving puzzles and then they find the shape which was a heart with every colour in it
"great you found the shape" emily says "now you can finish the game and leave for good or find the secret and see what that is, to be honest i have no idea what the secret is since nobody's made it this far, they usually give up after the second round"
"what happened to them?" jon asked curious
"well...let's just say they...won't be leaving anytime soon" emily says sounding sad
everyone looked at each other and they decide to carry on playing, they played for a what felt a long time but then they reached the door to the finish and before they left tyler spots something
"what's that?" tyler says and goes over
"what's what?" craig says and follows tyler
they then go over to cave and go in to find a small yellow and green bus like in gta 5
"oh look! a banana bus!" tyler says and he picks up the bus
then him and craig go back to the others
"look! i found a bus" tyler says and shows everyone
"i wonder if that's the last secret" brian says to brock
"hope so" brock replies and looks at the exit "come on, let's go" and everyone goes though the door
a 'level complete' sigh pops up and then a 'shape obtained 1/1' appear follows by a 'secret obtained 1/1' underneath
"yay! we found everything" jon says and he hugs evan
tyler picks up craig and hugs him, david does the same to lui, luke gives ryan a neck hug and brian picks up brock bridal style and hugs him, they then teleport back to the lobby and the shape and the bus take their places then all the shapes react to each other, a door then opens, then the secret react and they fly out of the door follows by a 'thanks for playing' sigh, then a bright light shines causing everyone to be blinded and then they open their eyes back on the sofa in the mansion
"what...happened?" craig asked looking around
"was that...all a dream" lui says making everyone look at each other
"no it wasn't" emily says on evan's phone "you are all back in the real world"
everyone cheers then jon notices something
"hey look!" jon says and he point to the coffee table
they all look at the table and see that the secret plushies and the banana bus came with them, they were all sitting on the table looking cute and everyone took their plushies
"that...was a lot of fun...but i don't want to do that again" brock says with everyone agreeing
"well...emily, i guess this is goodbye" evan says
"it sure is but i'll talk to you again when you are in trouble" emily says "i had fun with all of you and it has been fun"
"see you emily" jon says with everyone else saying goodbye
"bye guys, i do hope we meet again" emily says and she ends the call
everyone smiles then sleep came to them so they went to bed and fell asleep thinking of the game adventure they just had
The End...for now

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