H20Vanoss - Baby Teddy Bear

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It was a sunny day and the banana bus mansion and all the crew was waking up, evan was the last one to wake and he was still sleepy, he went sleepily to the kitchen while rubbing his eye and when he got there he saw his friends eating their food but delirious was there

"hey guys" evan says "where's delirious?"

"he...was here" brock says looking around for jon

"he may have gone back to his and your room" luke says

"ok i'll go check" evan says and he goes off to his and jon's room

when he gets there he knocks on the door

"delirious..." evan says "it's vanoss"

"EVAN! COME IN!" delirious shouts happily

evan came in and he saw jon lying on the bed on his back with a pillow under his t-shirt, delirious see evan and waves at him

"morning vanoss" delirious says happily yet quietly "what's up?"

"nothing much, came to check on you since you weren't with the others" evan says "and why do you have a-"

"shh!" delirious says cutting of evan "the baby is sleeping"

evan rolls his eyes and goes over to jon

"jon, that's a pillow under your t-shirt and hoodie" evan says

"no this is our baby" jon says happily and rubs the pillow

"ours?" evan says confused but shocked

"yeah, mine and yours" jon says happily

"but...why me?" evan says

"cause...i like you the most" jon says

"really?! even more then luke and ryan?" evan says

"yeah" delirious says smiling at his best friend

evan smiles and he walks to the other side of delirious bed and lie down next to him

"so...how did this happen?" evan says pointing to the pillow

"well it happened yesterday when i was going to get a snack, i overheard the guys talking about things then one of them i think it was nogla said 'hey, i wonder what will happen if evan and jon had a kid?' and another one i think wildcat said 'i bet it would be a teddy bear named jovan with mixed looks of evan and jon, they kept talking and when i got to my room it gave an idea" jon explained

"so your idea is to have a 'baby' that your and mine with the looks of you and me" evan says

"yes" jon says "do you like it?"

evan didn't say anything for a while then smiled at delirious

"you are funny delirious" evan says "why do you want it in the first place?"

"so i can prove that you and me can look after a child" jon says happily

"but it also sound like you love me" evan says "like, love to a point that you want a child"

"oh...didn't think of it like that" jon says and he goes quiet

"...do you love me?" evan says after a bit of silents

"umm..." jon says starting to blush up "yes...maybe..."

"cause if you do...i do as well" evan says with a blush on his face looking at jon

jon smiles at evan with a big blush on his face and evan chuckles

"your cute when you blush" evan says smiling

"...how long for?" jon says turning his body to face evan

"since we grew used to each other" evan says "i love your laugh, i love to tease you, i love to care about you and you know that time when we were playing dead by daylight and i said 'if we make it out here alive will you kiss me?'"

"yeah..." jon says

"i meant it" evan says and pulls delirious in to kiss him

jon had wide eyes when evan kissed him but then calmed down and kissed back, after they pulled away evan smiled lovenly at jon and jon smiled back

"so do you wanna be...my boyfriend" jon said

"sure" evan said and did a shorter kiss to jon

while jon was in the kiss he removed the pillow from his hoodie and t-shirt and took out the teddy bear

"look evan!" jon said happily "it's a boy" and he shows evan the teddy

evan takes the teddy out of jon's hand and looks at it

"wow...you really did make the teddy bear look like both of us" evan says

"yeah...it took me all night to do it" jon says with a yawn "i'm going to sleep now, all that labour made me tired"

"but you just...aww forget it" evan says and hugs delirious close to him

jon snuggles himself in evan and falls asleep, evan smiles then he falls asleep too and they slept all day with the others coming to see where've they gone

The End

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