Chapter Thirty-Eight

Start from the beginning

            Hughes shook his head and heaved a sigh of frustration, "McDermott, take what dignity you still have and just leave. I'm sorry to say but you've been let go." Shaking his head he added, "If you don't leave the premises I'll be forced to call the authorities."

            Enraged, Ward motioned to Ravensport, "Would you be so obliging and assist Dr. Hughes to the steel table."

            Ravensport moved forward and seized a confounded Hughes, wrestling him easily to the surgical table. It took little effort to subdue the older man and once he was strapped tightly to the surface Ward appeared above him.

            "Just what in the hell do you think you're doing?" Hughes demanded, struggling against his restraints.

            Ward smirked, "I'm going to make an example of you." He left Hughes momentarily and moved to grab a manila folder before returning and tossing it lightly atop Hughes chest.

            "What is it?" Hughes asked frantically.

            "That happens to be a strategic map of data pertaining to stem cells that I have cultivated from a species believed impossible. I have discovered an incredible healing ability, the rejuvenation of tissue and bone marrow, all of which counteracts serious illnesses. You, Dr. Hughes, will come to rue the day you interfered with this research."

            Ward crossed the room and grabbed a particular vial from the counter. He moved back to where Hughes was struggling.

            Hughes watched Ward through wide, fearful eyes as he took out a syringe and inserted the needle into the vial. "What is that?" he demanded.

            Ward straightened, his mouth curling wickedly, "This is a blood sample I achieved two months back. The blood contains a virus severely lethal-and I'm going to inject it into your bloodstream."

            Hughes turned a ghastly shade of white as horror washed over him. Ward turned to his newly obtained victim and grappled with the man's wrist. He pressed the needle to a protruding blue vein and released its contents with cruel ease.

            The older man froze, the last bit of color in his face draining rapidly with dread, "You bastard-" he rasped.

            Ward's grin broadened as he stepped back and set the needle aside, "You have approximately 12 hours before the virus takes effect, eventually shutting down all your organs, destroying all your white blood cells-"

            "You crazy bastard! You've killed me!"

            Ward leaned against the edge of his desk and eyed the squirming man with gloat.

            "Undo it!" Hughes wailed frantically, "Give me the anti-virus!"

            Ward nudged his head toward the manila folder that had toppled to the floor, its contents scattered along the cold marble. "Everything you need lays in that folder, old man."

            At Ward's cue Ravensport moved forward and released the restraints that kept Hughes at bay. Once free the older man scrambled off the table for the manila folder.

            He gathered it with shaky hands and skimmed the scattered data, frowning all the more as he read further. "What is this nonsense?" he flipped a few more pages, "Vampires, McDermott? You expect me to believe this?"

            Ward straightened, drawing his shoulders back as he glared down at the old man pass the bridge of his nose. "If you live long enough, you'll see what is factual and what isn't."

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