Chapter 12: Trouble

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It was morning, you were searching for something to do and you found a mission. The mission was simple:

To any hero:
Find my brother, he disappeared a day ago and he's unseen since then.

I got this. I ripped the paper and I started to search for some clue. You went to ask people around the town about it but nobody knew except for an old man.

Y/n: Excuse me mister but have you heard of someone that disapearded resently?

Old man: Yeah... My son disapearded a day ago.

Y/n: Do you know where he is?

Old man: No but apparently something went wrong with a customer and after that, he was gone.

Y/n: Who was this customer?

Old man: He told me that it was a 'Jain' and that he had a laboratory, that's what their 'fight' was about.

Y/n: Do you know anything on this laboratory?

Old man: No so I searched on internet and it's like it doesn't even exist.

Y/n: Thank you mister, I got this. I think I know where it is.

Old man: Good luck...

Y/n: Thanks.

I texted Saitama about that but he told me that he couldn't because of some Beatle? Carnage cabuto? Genos is with him and Simon must be working as well.

Simon's pov:

I was on my throne, the toilet, and I saw the toilet paper. I took one paper and looked at it.

Simon: .....How many does it take to go to the moon?

Y/n's pov:

Yeah, he must be working. I started to head to the laboratory, I think that the one he was talking about was the one where Genos and me took the mission before. I arrived and I could hear faint screaming.

Y/n: Ok, found it.

I got down in the laboratory and I started to head to the screams. It was behind a door. I took my precautions and opened the door. I saw someone in a scientist costume and someone on the operating table. I pushed the scientist away.

Scientist: What are you doing?

Y/n: I should ask the same thing.

I looked at the person who was screaming, he had fear in his eyes and for good reasons, his chest was impaled to the table and they were putting's the same operation that I got!

Y/n: You are planning on clonning him.

Scientist: Erm.....

I pushed the scientist Square in the face and he was out cold. I turned to the guy.

Y/n: Have you got a sister?

???: Y-yeah why?

Y/n: She was searching you so I took the mission. I'm here to free you.

???: Thanks.

I chopped him on the neck so that he won't scream. I slowly got the spikes out of his limbs and his metallic thing that's the same as me wasn't as spread as mine, I could only see the red thing. I slowly took it away, I patched and bandaged him up.

Y/n: You can wake up *slap* You can wake up*slap* You can wake up*slap*
You can wake u-

???: Ok ok I'm up.

Y/n: I saw your father when was searching infos, I'll get you to him.

???: Thanks.

I took the 1000€ and went home, on the road I saw Saitama and Genos so I went to them.

Y/n: Oi.

Saitama: Oi

Genos: Good afternoon Y/n.

Y/n: You too, what was this cabuto carnage thing?

Saitama: It was a Beatle and he was weak because I DIDN'T MISS THE SALES!!!!

Genos: We got to the shop just in time.

Saitama: And what was this mission?

Y/n: Nothing too hard, Just someone to save and poof, here it goes 1000€.

Saitama: Ok.

Suddenly, you felt a Immeasurable pressure that brought loads of pain. You pressed on your metallic thing and it was too hot. Like it was burning, you shirt evaporated. The red thing was spinning fast as everything else was white hot metal!
You went unconcious and the phenomenon stopped. Saitama And Genos looked at you in worry.

Saitama: You saw what I saw right?

Genos: Yes, I measured and the metal was at least at 1000°C.

Saitama: That's a lot of zero.

Genos: Indeed, by standards, he should be dead. We should take him to a hospital.

Saitama: Yeah. A normal mission he said.....

That's all! You see....the metallic thing is opening so many plot door, it's so good to know where the road goes because without it, you'll be nowhere!  Thanks as always and stay tuned for more! I'm keeping the IMPORTANT thing I did yesterday 'cause if there's new reader, it'll explain them things.
Have a nice day and keep it fresh!!!

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