Chapter 11: Bad Past

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I woke up next to tatsumaki and Anna. Was it all a dream? I don't care. I leave the bed to prepare some breakfast and when it's done, I'm taking another shower because I feel weird. I took my shirt of and started to check if I was hurt.

Tatsumaki's pov:

I woke up to a smell that I love, breakfast. I stood up and went to eat but I heard grunts in the bathroom so I opened the door and I saw y/n without a shirt. Instead of blushing, I was chocked of how many scares he had on his body but that wasn't the worst, he had a metallic spike going through his abdomen.

Tatsumaki: Y-y/n?

Y/n: Oh, erm.... I can explain!

Tatsumaki: Then do it.

Y/n: The scares are from fights. And the metallic thing is from....Erm.....

Tatsumaki: From what?

Y/n:*in his mind* Am I being scolded?

Tatsumaki: From what?

Y/n: I-i Don't now ...

Tatsumaki: Is it because of that that you took your time the over day?

Y/n: Yes.

Anna: He was experimented on.

Tatsumaki: AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!

Anna: Sorry, did I scare you?


Anna: Because.

Y/n: Why did you told here about the experiment?

Anna: I was experimented on too, remember?

Y/n: Oh yeah....

Tatsumaki: So you know anything about the one that did that to you?

Y/n: Erm.....


It was just a year after I left the town because of what I've done, I had already understood my powers. One day, some guy told me to follow him but since I said no, he shooted me with a weird gun. It perfored me in the abdomen and the guy pushed the metallic thing inside of the newly made hole. After that, I was on the ground, unconcious.
I woke up on a hard surface with bright lampes flashing on my eyes.

???: He is awake, start the operation.

Operation? What are they doing? Why can't I move? I can't feel anything. A guy approached a laser near the metal in my stomach and fired it. I started to feel extremely pain. The pain was so strong that I stopped breathing. I was once more unconcious due to the pain. I woke up again at the same spot.

???: Start operation two.

They than started to lift my head and that put a weird thing around it, much like a helmet. They pushed a button and intense loud noises from the machine could be heard. I felt weird, like if they were scanning my brain. I fell unconcious for the last time. I woke up to someone saying.

???: Get rid of the body.

I was thrown off a cliff but never touched the ground. Later, I was took somewhere I don't know. I woke up and saw people around me. I could once again feel the parts of my body but where was I?

???: You are awake?

I sat on the side of the bed.

Y/n: Yes....Where am I?

???: You are in our house, we found you laying near a cliff and decided to take you home.

A kid around my age showed up.

???: Who is it?

???: Anna, This is your new brother!

Anna: Yay! I have a sibling!!!!

She hugged my leg and went out of the room.

Kile: I'm Kile, her father.

Nara: Nara, her mother.

Y/n: Nara...Kile....Anna... Ok, I got this.

Kile: Welcome to our family!

I lived with them almost a year but one day, we heard a loud bang on the door, Kile decided to take a look but when he opened the door, He fell dead on the ground. Anna was crying and Nara was chocking with tears. A bullet suddenly killed Nara so I took the only option, take Anna to a safer place. I picked her up bridal style and ran out by the other door. I ran and ran for almost a hour but a bullet went through my leg and I fell on the ground. I pushed Anna behind me to protect her.

Y/n: Anna...

Anna: Yes...?

Y/n: Run and don't look back.

Anna: But-

Y/n: RUN ANNA!!!!!

I heard fast foot steps behind me, meaning that she'll be alright. I looked in front of me to see a copy of myself. He ran at me faster than I could see and empaled me to a tree. I heard a gasp, it was Anna. She looked back and saw me getting empaled. As fast as she could, she ran away. I was left for dead, dead by myself.

Flashback end:

Tatsumaki couldn't speak and looked at me wide eyes.

Y/n: That's why Anna tried to kill me some time ago.

Anna: I was thinking that it was the other y/n Since I saw him die.

Tatsumaki: I-I-i'm so-rry....

Y/n: Don't worry about that... That's my past.

Ok, done and clean. I hope that you enjoy seeing all the incoherence explained to you in this flash back like 'Why is Anna willing to kill her brother and next day she's her waïfu?'
On that, I tell you have a nice day as always!

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