Chapter Six

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With both of my parents' home, I decide to go see them to come clean about David and me. David offered to come with me, but I thought it best for me to address it by myself and he could spend the time packing for his trip back to Virginia. Sitting in the living room, I begin to tell them how I had been seeing David without their consent.

"Do you love him" my mom asks.

"yes" I cautiously smile because my dad hasn't said anything yet.

"I also want to come clean that when you thought I was in Panama for my senior trip, I actually spent that week in Virginia with David." My dad lowers the footrest of his recliner and removes his reading glasses and sets his paper on the side table. He crosses his arms and looks at me and I can tell he is disappointed.

"Why are you telling us now" he speaks up. I pause and take in a deep breath because I know what they are about to hear is going to devastate them.

"Because I want to be able to be with David without having to sneak around. I don't want to be punished for being with someone I care about."

"Punished? Care to explain because we didn't know anything about this relationship to punish you in the first place."

I can feel my nerves taking over but know I must tell them everything to have a clean slate with David.

"I miscarried" I blurt out, close my eyes and take a deep breath.

"What?" my dad scowls which almost drowns out my mother's gasp.

"I'm sorry I lied to you" wiping my own tears. "I chose to give up my virginity to David and unexpectedly got pregnant. When David found out about my plan to have an abortion, he and I stopped seeing each other. Then Papa died and Nana grieved herself to death" I pause to take a in a deep but desperate breath. "We were at the hospital and I told you that I started my period and needed to go home to clean up, it was then that I was losing the baby. I feel like God was punishing me for lying to the two of you."

"How can you mention God and abortion in the same sentence?"

"Roger" my mom snaps.

"Did David put those bruises on your wrists?"

"What?! No!! He would never...Michael did."

"Who the hell is Michael" my dad snaps while standing to his feet.

"Daddy, I'm okay."

"Did he hurt you" my dad is seething.


"No. This Michel guy, where did you meet him? You just told your mother and me that you  were in love with David so when did Michael factor into the picture?" My head is spinning so I'm slow to answer his question about how I had met Michael, "He's one of my teammates brothers. I met him at a volleyball game."

"Did he attack you?"


"Emily Nicole Anderson. I will find out exactly what happened, so you can tell me or I will drag his ass to the police station and question him."  A painful lump now forming in my throat  as the words escape me. 

"Yes" I mutter then glance up to observe the look of devastation now etched across my mothers face. 

"Emily, I will ask you one time and one time only. Did he rape you?" I burst into tears before my dad can finish his sentence.  My sobs are the only noise to fill the room as I nod yes.

"Does David know?"

"No" I look up at my dad with tears streaming down my face.

"Call him over here, I need to have a man to man chat with him."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2018 ⏰

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