Chapter 38: Meteorite Map

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   When Sundo comes back from his own shower, he looks considerably refreshed. His black hair is still damp, though it's beginning to dry now. While it's noticeably shorter than it used to be, it's also no longer stiff and matted; instead it's soft and looks like something I could run my fingers through. I almost kind of want to.

   But the reminder that he's going out stops me.

   While he was in the shower, I thought of a way I could help him. He'd already told me that he had some money to spend, but it was a pathetic amount honestly, and if I still have one thing on me, it's my wallet.

   I held it in my hands as I waited on him, sitting on the couch and tapping it repeatedly against my palm. I bounce my leg too until I realise I'm doing it and make myself stop doing both things.

   I have about twenty-something dollars left in my wallet that I can give Sundo, and almost all of it is left from that abortive date with Ying. Just recalling that has a twinge of anxiety shooting through me, and I wish all over again that I had my phone, so I could text her, so I could see what she wanted. Ugh, I should have at least read her message!

   Now I don't know if I'll ever be able to.

  What's worse, all the money came from my dad. And thinking of him makes me feel worse than thinking about the texts from Ying that I put off. If only I had my goddamn phone! Then I could text him and at least know he's alright.

   Needless to say, by the time Sundo comes down, freshly showered with his floppy sun hat in hand, I'm a ball of anxiety, coiled right and ready to burst.

   I feel like my world is falling apart around me. I really don't want him to go.

  I say as much to him as I stop him in front of the door, gripping the bills in my sweaty palms so tightly they're crumpling.

   "It's going to be alright, Joshua. I promise." He says to me, steadily holding my gaze with his otherworldly one. Gently, he pulls the money from my outstretched hands.

   I drop my gaze from his. "I..." I try to swallow the lump clinging to my throat. "I thought this money would help. Don't buy anything that needs to be refrigerated, or that will go bad quickly. Alright?"

   "Okay. I understand." He says, slipping my money in his pocket with the money he'd taken from the jar by the door.

   There's so much more I want to say to him: I want to try and convince him not to go again, even though I know he needs to go. He'll be back, I tell myself, he promised. And he always finds his way back.

   I take a deep breath, and Sundo smiles. As is quickly becoming a habit for him, he leans down and presses a kiss against my forehead, and I scrunch up my face, still looking down at our shoes.

   "See you." He mumbles, and then just like that, he opens the door, and he's gone.

   * * *

   While he's gone, I find I need something to keep me occupied, lest I worry myself to a groaning heap on the floor.

   Many times I find myself ready to just get up and go find him, to haul him back just to make this excessive, gnawing worry go away. But then I remember that I have no idea where he might be, and going out has me just as likely, if not more, to be caught.

   So I don't go out, and I still don't like this.

   Since I need something to do, I wander the house. It's a small place, with not much to find, but it's still something to do rather than sitting and waiting.

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