Chapter 36: Can we?

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My face is burning as I scamper up the stairs. I can't believe that just happened. Any of that!

I told him everything. I was finally able to tell Joshua everything he's missed, or at least, everything I could think of in that short frame of time. (Gosh, it felt like hours, though.) And he listened! He listened to everything and he actually seemed interested!

Best of all, he wasn't upset about Rebecca, not like I was afraid he'd be.

And that's not even getting started with the kiss. Good gracious, the kiss. I kissed him! I actually kissed him! I still can't believe it. I feel jittery all over still, and the sensation of kissing him felt way better than I ever imagined it could.

My bedroom is still dark as I burst into it, and I make a beeline for the bed, flopping down on it face-first with a grin I can't manage to wipe off my face. I'm just... so happy. My chest feels all light and airy, and I wrap my arms around a pillow, squeezing it as I bury my face into its fabric. I feel like if I don't hold onto something now, I might just up and float away.

But... was it a good idea to have run away from him? Should I have done that? He probably feels so confused now, and oh, I didn't even ask him if I could kiss him! I should have done that first! I was so caught up in the moment, I didn't think, I...

"Oh, is he upset with me again?" I groan against the pillow, and my good mood begins to churn and conflict with worry. "I've made a mistake..."

As much as I wanted to take his face and kiss him, now I'm not so sure if I should have. Will this make things more awkward for us? I should have stayed to see his reaction more. Now I'm just going to have to wait and see if he comes upstairs, which he might not now, after that...

I groan against the pillow again, gripping it tighter as I cringe in on myself.

My inner turmoil is only interrupted by a sound from downstairs. I still, and I look out into the darkness of the room around me as I try to listen. Faintly, over the sound of the rain pattering against the window, I can hear footsteps on the stairs.

Joshua. I immediately think.

I strain to listen to his movement: it's hesitant, almost pensive as he takes the steps one at a time. I can do nothing but lie here and listen anxiously, and to my surprise, by the time Joshua has made it halfway up, he's taking them two at a time, rushing up them and into the hallway. He's loud now as he hurries down the hall, unmistakable and not stealthy at all. As he comes wheeling into the doorway of the bedroom, I sit up, wided-eyed as I blink at him.

What has him so rushed?

"Seth!" He exclaims in a gasp, sounding all but breathless. "I..."

He stands there in the doorway, floundering for what to say. As I watch him, all my conflicted emotions well up inside me until I can't hold them back, and they all bubble out of my mouth.

"I'm sorry for kissing you!" I blurt, flinging my legs over the side of the bed, ready to stand up and plead my case. But it never happens. I freeze as I see Joshua's expression.

It's like I've slapped him; Joshua's eyes widen as he hears what I've said.

"What?" He whispers, and my spirits sink even lower. Was... was that not the right thing to say?

"I... I should have asked you! Before I... before I..." I'm stuttering over my words, and Joshua is stepping into the room.

There isn't much space between the doorway and the edge of the bed, and it takes only two more steps before he's in front of me, and I find my voice dying on my tongue as I look up at him. Though his eyes are on me, they're unfocused in the dark, as though he can't really see me as well as I can see him. There's a small furrow between his brows, and he's pensively chewing his lip, thinking about something. What?

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