Chapter 19: Windsor vs Grand Junction

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I show up to the field relatively early, but then again, so does everyone else. Windsor is already here, and I can see them getting off their bus now, all yawns and duffle bags and sweatpants. I'm sure they had to get up early and miss some school to drive here, and that in itself is one of my favorite parts of having home advantage. Myself, I hate sleeping on the bus. I hate missing school as well, but being groggy when I have to play affects my play, and that's a no go.

Few of the Windsor Wizards players are in uniform yet; understandable, but I'm dressed up. I'm ready to warm up, and I'm feeling good. With everything that's been going on, I'm excited to just let it all go for a little bit; to just play soccer. We're going to win, I can feel it. Even the sky can't shit on my mood right now, as gross, grey, and swollen as it is. I eye the ominous clouds for a wary moment, hoping that maybe, maybe the weatherman was wrong. Not like a little downpour is going to stop us from destroying them though.

The stands are already piled with parents and students, most of them bundled up like eskimos in their blankets and their raincoats. Noticing them, some jitters run up my spine. I'm excited and eager all at once, and my teeth chatter in my mouth. I can't tell if it's from nervousness or from cold.

Coach is on the field emptying out a bag of balls, and I make to accost him, but I'm stopped by someone frantically waving at me from the stands, catching my peripheral vision. Glancing in that direction, I find it's Maggie. She grins at me and waves me over now that she has my attention; I can't turn her down now, so, reluctantly, walk up to her.

"Afternoon!" She chirps happily, and I grunt some acceptable response.

"Hey. How're you doing?"

Like me, she's dressed up in her uniform already, although in her long-sleeved goalie uniform rather than our short-sleeved one. Ironically, since her colors are inverse those of her team's (black-on-orange) they match the colors of my team, orange-on-black. She also has done her hair up in a high braid from the top of her head, and she's gotten rid of those fake, lensless hipster glasses. (For now.)

Honestly I think she looks better without them, you can see her pretty hazel eyes much better. Not that I'd tell her that. Let her wear unnecessary glasses for all I care— there's no deterring her when she thinks it's cool.

"I'm doing great!" She responds, practically bubbling. "I don't know about you, but I'm honestly so ready for this game. I'm pumped! We're winning by mercy rule, baby!"

Despite myself, I laugh. It's an airy sound that escapes through my smile, and I shake my head. Maggie hops from foot to foot, flashing her thick thighs from above her socks. Those things should be illegal, her thighs—I'm sure she could crush a skull between them, let alone a soccer ball. As goalie, she's got the power to stop any ball when she sets her mind to it, and I've seen her in action. The other team doesn't stand a chance.

"I look forward to hearing about it," I say as I shrug my bag off my shoulder onto the ground. I guess I can talk to coach later. "It's a shame I can't watch! But you guys are gonna be playing on the far field same time as us right?"

Impossibly, Maggie's face grows brighter. "No, actually!" She exclaims. "We get to watch y'all's game and then we get the field after you. Coach Brown said she wasn't going to make us play on the cruddy, rundown shit-field just cause the boys get the good field. Bless her, honestly, she's the best coach."

"She is." I agree with a solemn nod. I've never had her as a coach, but from what I've heard she's amazing. The Junction Lady Tigers are one the best teams in our district because of her.

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