chapter 10

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The next day came.

"I'm so proud of Oddball..." Jessica smiled to her puppy who was still sleeping after a long adventure. "She really helped out with the Muppets."

"She sure did." Atticus smiled back.

"Aw, she's tired herself out..." Jessica cooed.

"Aw, and I was gonna show her The Super Secret Pup Club." Patch chuckled.

"Did someone say The Super Secret Pup Club?" Oddball smiled as she woke up.

Patch smirked innocently to the others.

"...What's the Super Secret Pup Club...?" Oddball asked her uncle, tilting her head.

"Oh, you'll see." Patch smiled.

"Can we go then?" Oddball asked.

"Ooh, I dunno, are you sleepy?" Patch asked.

"No! I'm wide awake and energetic, see?!" Oddball beamed and she soon bit onto Jessica's exercise ball, deflating it.

"Okay, okay." Patch smiled.

Oddball smiled back and Patch soon took her outside to show her the club up close. Jessica pouted as she picked up her exercise ball before taping it up.

"Please, allow me..." Atticus told her before taking a very, very deep breath and blew once into the ball, putting it back to its round shape.

"Thanks." Jessica smiled.

"Sure thing!" Atticus smiled back with a bit of a gasp as he caught his breath.

Jessica soon took the ball and turned on the TV to do some yoga.

"I wonder if we'll ever see The Muppets again?" Atticus wondered.

"Maybe." Jessica said while doing yoga.

"It would be nice..." Atticus replied before sitting down. "We saved them though."

"I'm really proud of you guys for helping, so grown-up." Jessica smiled.

"Well, it's what we do." Atticus smiled back.

"Jessica, are you going back to school soon?" Darla pouted.

"Don't worry, I'll be here another week," Jessica smiled. "It'll be summer before you know it."

"Yay!" Darla cheered.

"Aw, I miss you guys too," Jessica smiled as she hugged Darla. "Christmas is my favorite break though."

"Christmas is great." Darla smiled back.

"It is a very magical time of year..." Jessica agreed. "I wonder what this Super Secret Pup Club is though?"

"Sorry, Jess, but not even I know," Atticus chuckled. "Maybe Oddball will tell you when she comes back."

Meanwhile with Oddball and Patch...

"I thought you might like this," Patch smiled to Oddball. "It's like a junior division of The Pound Puppies."

"I'm so excited!" Oddball beamed. "I can't wait to see the inside."

Patch soon took her through the secret entrance that Lucky and Cookie taught him for when he first came to Shelter 17, even if it was by accident.

"Whee!" Oddball laughed as she traveled with him.

They were soon underground where other dogs had met and were talking until they saw Patch and Oddball.

"Hey, guys." Patch smiled.

"Hello, Patch!" The dogs who knew the Dalmatian greeted.

"I hope it's okay, but I brought my niece along." Patch smiled.

"Hi." Oddball added.

The main group soon walked over.

"Hey, guys!" Patch beamed.

"Hey, kiddo, nice to see you," Lucky smiled. "Dot and I saw you on TV with The Muppets."

"Whoa." Oddball smiled back.

"Oddball, these are my closest friends in The Pound Puppies," Patch introduced. "Lucky, Squirt, Niblet, Strudel, and Cookie."

"It's nice to meet you all." Oddball smiled.

"Aw, look atchu, you're so cute, yes, you are~" Cookie cooed.

Oddball giggled and smiled. "Thank you, Miss Cookie."

Patch was happy to see Oddball getting along with them. "Where are, um, the pups?" He then asked.

"In the back," Lucky smiled. "I'm sure Oddball would love them."

Oddball beamed and soon ran around until she found puppies her age and went to play with them.

"I was just wondering," Patch said to Lucky once they were alone. "Would she be old enough to go on a mission?"

"Why do you ask?" Lucky asked.

"I just thought maybe it would be fun for her," Patch replied. "Oddball lives in a sorority house and it's just Jessica who usually has to go to class during the day and Oddball's left alone most of the day."

"What's a sorority house?!" Niblet gasped. "Is that a person kennel?!"

"A sorority house is a living unit where adult students live in at a higher school known as a college." Strudel told him.

"Exactly." Patch nodded.

"Aw, she sounds lonely." Niblet frowned.

"Yeah, I imagine it's pretty lonesome whenever Jessica has classes." Patch nodded.

"It can be pretty lonely." Oddball sighed.

"Well, I suppose she could try something out," Lucky smiled. "She should befriend the others first."

"I'm sure it'll work, I'm very social," Oddball smiled back. "I have five best friends sometimes when I come over, but especially Rosebud... Rosebud and I are Best Female Dog Friends Forever."

"It's true." Patch smiled.

The puppies soon came out with smiles to stand with Oddball.

"My name's Patches!" The Dalmatian smiled.

"Whoa... You're a Dalmatian and have a name like my Uncle Patch, that's gonna be confusing." Oddball said.

"Except, my name's Patches and not just Patch." Patches told her.

"I'm sure you'll get the hang of it later." Patch soothed Oddball.

"Well, nice to meet you, Patches." Oddball smiled.

"My name is Cupcake." The female mutt smiled back.

"It's nice to meet you, Cupcake." Oddball smiled back.

"Hey, I'm Rebound!" A familiar hyper sheep dog puppy beamed as she came to tackle Oddball. "Wanna be best friends?!"

"Sure, Rebound!" Oddball smiled, not even minding the tackle.

"Yay!" Rebound cheered.

"Something tells me this'll be an adventure of its very own." Squirt commented.

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2018 ⏰

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