chapter 3

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The gates soon opened and the 80's robot decided to drive them to pick up the other Muppets.

"What a Spring Break this is turning out to be." Darla commented.

"Next year, we're going on a cruise." Cherry decided.

"Agreed." Darla nodded.

"So where do we go first?" Mary asked.

'I shall take the liberty of using my modem to locate the Muppets.' The robot replied before turning on the technology which used a very old dial tone from the very old times before the internet was a major thing.

"Wow." Jessica said.

They soon ended up in a place called Reno known as the biggest little city in the world. At the casino, there seemed to be a tribute band called 'The Moopets' featuring Fozzie Bear.

"Moopets?" Patch asked out of confusion.

"I'm not sure if I even wanna know." Darla muttered.

"Well, I guess this is the place." Kermit said as the car soon stopped and they went inside of the casino.

"Good evening, folks, and welcome to Pechoolo Casino!" Fozzie announced to the audience.

Music soon started to play as the group came in.

"Why are there such great deals, On our hotel rooms?, Free parking for cars~" Fozzie sang.

"Not RVs!" The back-up singers chimed in.

"Ugh... Pathetic excuses for Muppets." Cherry complained about the group behind Fozzie.

"You said it." Jessica added.

Kermit felt broken inside to see Fozzie reduce himself to do this.

"Thank you, thank you," Fozzie smiled as he and the others finished their song before he left the stage. "We'll be back in six minutes."

"We've got six minutes to convince him." Oddball said.

Fozzie sighed as he looked at his rubber chicken.

"Hi-ho, Fozzie." Kermit greeted.

"Hi-ho, Kermit," Fozzie replied before looking surprised. "Kermit? W-W-W-What are you doing here?"

Kermit began to stutter out what he was doing there. "Uh, well, I... I just want to tell you that was a great, uh, show," The frog soon said to him. "Uh, it was, uh, uh... Very informative."

"I do my best to keep it fresh each night." Fozzie replied.

"Oh, yeah." Kermit then nodded.

"Oh, I'm Fozzie, by the way." Fozzie then said to the group.

"Oh, oh, I'm sorry; this is Gary and Mary and this is Walter, he's a personal friend, and this is Atticus and Cherry and Darla and Jessica and Patch and Oddball." Kermit introduced.

"Yeah." Walter smiled.

"So I said, 'What are you looking at?', so I punched him in the face! I mean..." A Moopet said to the others before they shared a dark laugh with each other.

"Let's talk in my dressing room." Fozzie suggested.

"Okay." Atticus said.

"Here we are," Fozzie said as he took them through a door down a long hallway with names on them. "Make yourselves at home."

They seemed to be outside in the dark alley.

"Wow," Kermit said to Fozzie. "This is, uh, not quite what I expected based on your Christmas cards."

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