chapter 7

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They had a bit of a big drive ahead of them and it seemed to get wild as they were running out of time.

"Come on, you guys, hurry!" Jessica called out as she checked her CDE app on her phone where the Muppet Telethon was going to be broadcast on.

"You sure are hyped." Oddball smiled at Jessica.

"This is the most exciting thing ever!" Jessica smiled back.

"We can tell." Atticus smiled back.

"Hurry! The show starts in ten minutes!" Miss Piggy complained to the robotic driver. "Where did you learn to drive?"

"I feel sick..." Cherry groaned as she began to sweat and turn green in the face.

Atticus soon gave her a bucket. Cherry reached out and soon heaved into the bucket.

"Have some ginger ale when you get better." Thor offered.

"Thanks, Thor..." Cherry said softly, smiling about how sweet he was being to her.

"Don't mention it." Thor smiled.

"Hang on, everyone!" Kermit called out.

They kept driving, and soon, they parked to the theater and rushed inside to begin the live show.

"Come on, guys!" Kermit called to the others as they came backstage. "Okay, listen up, everybody! This is it! Five minutes to curtain!"

"Wahoo!" Oddball smiled.

"Kermit?" Walter called.

"Uh, listen, get ready for the opening number," Kermit told the others before looking to Walter. "Yes?"

"I need to talk to you about my act." Walter said to him.

"Don't worry, Walter; your act will be great, we just know it." Jessica assured him.

"Yeah, I'm sure you'll be great," Kermit added before flailing his arms. "Scooter, who's up first?!"

Walter groaned and sighed as he stared at the clock while the other Muppets rushed to get ready.

"Yeah, Scooter, who's on first?" Patch asked.

"Okay, first we have the opening theme." Scooter said.

"Of course, yeah." Kermit nodded to that.

"Then you come out and introduce Fozzie." Scooter then told Kermit.

"I'll go get to my seat." Jessica said.

"Break a leg, guys, break a leg!" Darla called out to the others.

"Which means good luck!" Oddball added.

"Hey, good job." Darla smiled to the young Dalmatian.

Oddball smiled back, feeling proud she knew what Darla meant. Veronica soon came over.

"TV Executive at 6:00!" Scooter yelped.

"The show is a disaster, Frog!" Veronica glared, grabbing Kermit by his arm.

Jessica saw that she and the others were the only ones that showed up.

"Where's the audience?" Veronica complained as she dragged Kermit out on stage. "I knew you guys weren't popular anymore. I should have trusted that chart. There's no one here!"

"Hello!" Darla called out.

"Hi!" A man called back.

"He's here." Darla smiled nervously.

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