chapter 6

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"So, you have a little sister?" Atticus asked. "I don't think you mentioned her before."

"That's because she gave me a headache and I was pretending she was imaginary." Thor smirked innocently.

"I can understand that, little siblings can be a pain sometimes." Atticus said.

"Wanna buy her?" Thor smirked. "I can always say she ran away."

"I don't think your parents would like that very much..." Atticus smiled sheepishly as they soon came into the hotel, going in the elevator.

Thor then hit Floor 6's button once they came inside. The elevator soon took them up to the sixth floor.

"How long you here for?" Atticus asked.

"All of Spring Break... Well, except for the night before it ends, gotta get back home to get ready for school, but I think I'm gonna like the summer trip better." Thor said.

"What's this summer?" Atticus smiled.

"Equestria Land!" Thor beamed.

"Equestria Land?" Atticus repeated.

"It's a new amusement park they're building for the summer," Thor explained while holding Phoebe's legs and took the room key out as he went to go to his and his sister's room for their visit in the city. "Mom and Dad said we could go if we were well-behaved on this trip."

"Where's it being built?" Atticus asked.

"I dunno yet..." Thor shrugged as he then opened the door and came inside, putting the key in his pocket. "They might talk about it when it gets closer to summer, it's still only spring."

"That's true..." Atticus said before suddenly shivering. "Yeesh! It's like a fridge in here!"

"Sorry about the temperature." Thor told him.

Atticus soon took a hold of Phoebe and put her on the bed and tucked her in after taking her boots off.

"It's a bit stuffy..." Thor said before turning up the temperature a little as it was pretty cold to a little warm now. "That's better."

"I wonder why it was so cold in here in the first place?" Atticus said.

"Well, it was a bit hot last night when we came in, I guess the temperature caught up with us," Thor chuckled. "So, uh, were you in that Puppet Theater or whatever it's called?"

"Yeah, they're going to lose it unless they can get $10,000,000 before the contract expires." Atticus said.

"What?! That's crazy!" Thor replied.

"Yeah, this guy named Tex Richman wants it." Atticus glared.

"Well... I don't know much about these Muppet whatchamacallits, but... I'll help," Thor decided. "Because we're friends."

"Thanks, because this what Patch and Oddball told me and the others..." Atticus said before telling him what the Dalmatians heard.

Thor nodded as he soon sat down to listen. "So I see..." he then said. "This sounds very serious... So, you're gonna need some help."

"We'll need all the help we can get." Atticus told him.

"Aye-Aye!" Thor saluted with a firm look. "I, Thornton Moltenscar, promise to help as much as possible!"

"You think your sister can help too?" Atticus asked.

Thor looked over to Phoebe as she took a nap and shrugged. "Eh, it'll keep her busy." he then said to him.

Cherry Meets the Muppetsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें