chapter 4

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They were suddenly in France in no time and began to explore to find the famed Muppet pig after the car came out of the water and the people yelled out in surprise.

"Paris! Paris!" Animal cheered.

"Finally." Darla sighed as they rolled down the windows.

"That was like something out of a spy movie." Patch commented.

They soon drove by the Eiffel Tower and pulled up into the department for Vogue magazine.

"Hopefully she's not too busy." Oddball said.

They came to see a woman behind her desk as she was typing on the computer.

"Excusez-moi, pouvez-vous nous emmener à Mademoiselle Cochonnet?" Cherry asked the receptionist.

"Please speak English." Darla whispered.

"She's French?" Cherry replied, giving her a look.

"I can speak English." The receptionist told Cherry as she could speak English just as well as French.

"Dang it, Forte, I want my hours after school back!" Cherry grumbled under her breath in irritation.

"Uh, we're here to see Miss Piggy, and it's urgent." Kermit told the receptionist.

"Yeah, so can you squeeze us in?" Jessica asked.

"Aww... Quel chiot mignon!~" The receptionist cooed to Oddball's cuteness before going back to focus. "Erm... She is the plus-size editor. She's a huge deal and extremely busy. You can't just pop in without an appointment."

"But the Muppet Studio is in danger." Darla frowned.

"I am sorry, but there is nothing I can do," The receptionist replied. "Close the door on your way out."

"Mean lady." Animal pouted.

They soon left in defeat.

"Now what?" Darla frowned.

Fozzie looked to see a man and a woman talking as they came down the stairs and suddenly had an idea. "Guys! Muppet Man!" he then told them.

"Perfect." Jessica smiled.

"Oh, this can only end so well." Cherry groaned.

"I can already tell this won't end well at all." Oddball said.

"Ah, don't be such Debbie Downers." Jessica told them.

Fozzie was soon on top as the Muppets piled on a trench coat to look like someone else as they wobbled over to the receptionist. "Hello," The bear greeted the woman behind her desk. "I have an appointment."

"Oh... Okay... Will you wait here a moment?" The receptionist replied before leaving her desk to see Miss Piggy first.

Miss Piggy was soon heard trying to make a decision.

"Decisions, decisions," Miss Piggy muttered to herself, not looking at three outfits to judge, but three donuts on her plate. "Eeny, meeny, miny, mo. I choose you." She then giggled as she picked the donut she wanted.

"Mademoiselle Cochonnet?" The receptionist greeted as she began to eat the donuts.

"Can't you see I'm busy?" Miss Piggy asked her while her mouth was full.

"Of course," The receptionist replied. "There's a, um, man here to see you. He does have an appointment."

"An appointment? That's weird," Miss Piggy replied as she licked the glaze off her gloves. "Well, why didn't you say so? Send him in!"

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