chapter 5

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They soon cleaned up, but it seemed to be a little boring, even for the Muppets.

"Wow." Cherry said, unimpressed.

"This is boring." Kermit had to admit.

"But don't you guys remember?" Walter smiled to them. "You're the Muppets! You do this to music!"

"Well, all right!" Dr. Teeth replied.

They soon began to jam to the song 'We Built This City on Rock and Roll' for a musical montage.

"That's better." Cherry nodded.

"Nice to see you in a good mood, Cherry." Jessica smiled to her brother's best friend.

Patch found something covered up and removed the tarp and after coughing from the dust, he could see that it was actually a drum-set. "Hmm... This must've belonged to Animal..." He said to himself.

"Hey, Mr. Animal!" Oddball called out.

"Yeah?" Animal replied.

"Look at what we found!" Oddball beamed.

"Aaaah!" Animal looked very excited and thrilled to see his old drums and soon dashed off.

"Looks like you missed them." Patch smiled.

Kermit soon blew on a dusty Rolodex and looked through it to find a celebrity to be on their show.

"This might take a long time." Cherry commented.

"Hello! Yes," Kermit said after dialing a number. "Could I speak with President Carter, please?"

"President Jimmy Carter, are you kidding?!" Cherry replied. "He left office in 1981!"

"Oh, uh, sorry." Kermit smiled sheepishly.

"Let's try another one." Cherry said.

Mary lifted a board and carried it off with Jessica and Rizzo's help. Gary used Walter for help when scrubbing and dusting the walls.

Oddball looked up to a door that said Broom Closet and wanted to open it, but luckily, Scooter soon came to open it for her. "Thanks." She said with a smile.

Scooter smiled back before seeing another Muppet friend. "Beauregard!"

"Scooter! Good to see you!" Beauregard replied. "Uh, where's everybody been?"

"Let's just say they've been around." Oddball told Beauregard.

"Walter, I thought we were gonna clean the balcony!" Gary called out, but soon found his brother with Fozzie.

"Doing a great job, pal." Fozzie smiled to Walter.

"You're doing a great job," Walter replied. "Woka Woka."

"Looks like he's getting along with the Muppets." Darla smiled.

"Yeah... I suppose he is..." Gary smiled back as he felt happy for his brother.

"Hey, guys! Look at these old photos I just found," Fozzie called out as he showed an old framed picture of himself which didn't look any different from today. "Ah, can you believe that 80's haircut I used to have? I looked totally ridiculous!"

"No comment." Darla said.

"Yes, it's Kermit. The frog," Kermit said on the phone as he tried to call Molly Ringwald. "Could you come to our celebrity telethon this weekend? Sure. Sure, I understand."

Eventually, the whole theater was cleaned up and looked just as good as new.

"So, how did it go?" Cherry asked Kermit.

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