That's never happened before, I've always felt him but it was more like one mind sharing one thought process.

There was only one word said, Mate.

Suddenly a blinding pain pulses behind my eyelids. I hear Thea shout but the pain is to much, like nails digging into my scalp.

When my eyes I'm somewhere else, a room I haven't seen in centuries. I can see myself, my old self that is, sitting in a chair listening to the Bedlam.

I know where I am, a fucking memory.

Some magic users can pull memorys from peoples minds. Usually they don't come back, rarely something triggers them off and they're able to return. I don't recall this night but I can see us talking like I'm in the room.

"You should thank me for what I've done," The Bedlam slurs hatefully, "When I cut away a piece of your soul the universe gifted you with another, a soulmate." She spits the word out like it burns her tongue, "To think I created you just so some dimwitted, wolf riding, miscreant can come along and break our bond..."

The memory fades as quickly as it comes.

When I wake back up I greedily gasp for air. Thea is still in my lap sbut she's facing me now, her small hands cup my face and panic clear in her eyes. I gather her face in my hands smoothing over her stress lines.

"What's wrong my fae."

I kiss both her cheeks she looks at me confused.

"You just passed out! I called your name but you weren't reacting, it was just like before when Mythic hurt you!"

"I'm okay little fae, I'm sorry you got scared."

I kiss all over her neck and face, unable to stop myself.

Was Thea my mate?

Is that what my mind was trying to tell me, could I truly have a soulmate. My wolf pushes at my mind eagerly encouraging my thoughts knowing something I'm just figuring out.

Thea was always meant to be here, with me.

"W-What happened why did you pass out. Are you sick? IS WOLFIE SICK!"

I'm a little annoyed she's so worried about my wolf, can you be jealous of yourself?

"My pesky wolf is fine and so am I."

"Then what happened, why did you pass out and why did you bite me..." She says the last part quietly.

I rub my thumb over her mark, "My bite saved you Thea. I couldn't stop my wolf, he knew there was a way for us to keep you, so we did."

Her cute mouth forms an O, "H-How did your bite save me, am I turning into a wolf! Oh my gosh I'm going to grow a tail, this is-"

I put my hand over her mouth,

"You're not turning into a wolf, little one, your senses will heighten a little because I shared my DNA with you but other then that you will stay the same sweet little red head you've always been."

There are three things I'm not telling her:

1. We may be soulmates.

2. I not completely sure what my bite will do to her, long term.

Thea & The WolfWhere stories live. Discover now