Epilogue #1 (Of 3)

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1 year later...

When I agreed to marrying Maxon, twice, I never quite envisioned the wedding. I really was just thinking about me....and Maxon forever.....Married......In love. The first time I ruined it all. The second time I almost ruined it all, but Maxon wouldn't let me. But maybe I should of thought about the wedding just a little bit. Because Silvia sure thinks about it a lot.

It's as if she lives only to plan my wedding. I'm not even sure if she has a life outside of my wedding. I'm not even sure if she sleeps! She barges into my room at all hours of the night to get my opinion of things I really don't even have an opinion on. Flowers. Centerpieces. Tablecloths. Yada yada. Etc etc.

I could care less about how the wedding turns out. I've never thought of myself as a wedding person. A person who attends weddings. A person who has a wedding. But Maxons traditional. A wedding is what he wants. So a wedding is what I want. But I'm more interested in the part where I show up and marry the love of my life. I'm less concerned with the process of how it all happens.

I've tried sleeping in Maxons room. It worked for a day or two before she found me. Not only did I get drowned in questions, but I got scolded for sleeping in the same room with him before we were married. I was really reaching my last straw with Silvia.

"I'm going to kill her!" I screamed, barging into Maxons office.

He looked up and gently closed the file he was reading.

"Death threats this early in the morning, my dear?" Maxon teases. "Silvia?"

I nodded, waltzing angrily over to him and collapsing in his lap. His arms automatically clasped around my waist.

"She came into my bathroom while I was taking a bath!"

He kissed my neck. "I hope to be able to do that in the future without being yelled at."

"Mind out of the gutter, Schreave. I'm ranting," I said, lifting his chin so that his nose stopped tickling my neck.

"What was so important that it couldn't wait until after the bath?" Maxon asked.

"The font of the thank you letters that we won't be sending until after the wedding," I said slowly, letting the words sink in.

"Thank you letters?" Maxon asked.

"Thank you letters," I confirmed.

"I'm sorry, love," He apologized. "I bet you wish you said no to my proposal now, don't you?"

"Never," I sighed. "It's just difficult. When I was younger, I never thought about this, you know? I was a five. I never imagined my wedding would be anymore than a certificate in a court house. I never thought about the flowers or menu because I never thought I'd have any of that. I never wanted any of that."

"And you don't want it now?" He asked.

"I want you," I said, avoiding the question. I leaned down to kiss him, but he gently pushed me away.

"You didn't answer my question, Ames."

"I want what you want," I smiled, trying to kiss him again.

"And I want what you want. What do you want?" He repeated.

I frowned, sighing. "I want...a small wedding. Me and you and our closest friends and family. In...the gardens. Where we met and where we fell in love. Something small and meaningful."

"I want that too."

"No you don't," I shook my head. "You want the big wedding with the color schemes and flowers. Where I'm all dressed up in a long white dress with a veil that trails 100 feet behind me. The first dance and the cutting of the cake and everything."

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