Chapter 4:

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I never thought I would see her long fiery red locks again. I never thought I would hold her petite waist in my arms. I never thought her misty blue eyes would make contact with mine again. I never thought her small hand would press against my chest. I never thought I would see her. My Everything.

"America?" I questioned.

Her eyes widened and she seemed to take a second to comprehend. Than she hurried out of my embrace and I immediately missed it.

"Maxon?" She breathed out.

"What atre you doing here?" I stuttered.

"Um....stuff," she supplied.

I raised an eyebrow. She has never avoided my questions so obviously before. She is the master of changing the Subject, but she is not so good at being speechless. Leaving me speechless....she's amazing at that. I ignored it. If this was my last chance to talk to her...I need answers.

"So how's Aspen?" I asked innocently.

She sent me a deadly glare. "Happily in love."

I frowned. Was she just going to rub it in my face that she cheated on me.

"With someone else."

I looked up. "What?"

America huffed. "If you would of let me explain, you would know that I ended things between me and Aspen. He's in love with my old maid."

"But you were in his arms and you were talking all seriously..."

"He thought we had slept together!" She shouted. "I was trying to explain to him that it was completely innocent cuddling!"

So she hadn't betrayed me. I had betrayed her. By choosing Kriss. And now it was to late.

"I'm sorry," I attempted to apologize.

"Save it," America cut me off. "I don't need your apology."

"Why are you here?" I asked once again. "How are you here?"

She looked around nervously.

Suddenly there was a very loud and very close crash. It made me remember that we were in the middle of a rebel attack. My eyes widened. I had to get her into a safe room. She could be injured!

A smirk lit up Americas face as the loud noise from the crash echoed around the room. I looked over her shoulder and noticed people running down the hall. Rebels! Right by us! Why wasn't she frightened?! And why wasn't there any guards chasing them!

. "That's my cue," America laughed.

She ran out into the hall, into the danger, and ran towards the entrance to the roof. Where the rebels were just headed. I ran after her and saw the guards running behind me. Finally. They were here. When I burst out the door, the first thing I noticed was that there was a long rope tied to the door handle. The second was that all the rebels were gone. The third was that America was the only one on the roof. But I was the only one to recognize her.

America grabbed onto the rope and slid down a bit. I blanched. She was about to fall off the building! She stopped though, holding herself up with only one hand.

The Rebel Queen Where stories live. Discover now