Chapter 16

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I stared at the truck as if it were a curse even though it was a blessing. Now I didn't have to come up with some absurd way of getting into the palace. But it also was a representation of me not returning to the palace after today. Because I knew where the books were and all I had to do was get em.

Lucy barged into my room, her blonde hair bouncing with meaning and her eyes fueled by a new fire. I was sitting at my desk reading a book peacefully when she did. She marched over to me and slapped some papers on to my desk. Than she leaned back with a smirk on her face, and a certain smugness about her.

"What is this?" I asked, stepping back to get a better look at the papers.

"A full map of the palace. Every single room, secret passage, and safe room we could map," She paused, which gave me time to gasp and look up at her with hope. "Except one."

"What do you mean?"

"While Anne, Mary, and myself were writing this up for you you we left off one 'secret' ," Lucy giggled. "We thought it would be better if we told you in person."

"What is it?" I asked distractedly, my eyes scanning the map of there own accord.

"I was cleaning Clarkson's office the other day," Lucy began. "When my feather duster came across an uneven portion on the wall. I assumed it was the button to open his emergency safe room door so I left it alone. But later that day I realized that the safe room entrance is over here." She gestured to where she had the entrance marked on the map. "And this button is over here." She took a pen off my desk and circled it. "It has to be where he is hiding the books!"

"Oh my god," I whispered.

I trust Lucy faithfully and her theory makes total sense. So today I am testing out that theory during the attack. And I would need this truck. Kriss left it here on Christmas as if she knew I would need it. Now all I had to do was rally a bunch of the rebels into the back storage unit and have Lucy drive us to the palace. She is a maid so they won't question it until we're invading the palace. For the last time.

Marianna came walking up beside me. Her hand was resting against the gun in her holster, and the other was holding a rope securely against her shoulder. Her brunette hair was pulled back into a ponytail and made the streaks of blonde and red she had from years of highlights more obvious. Her face was washed of her usual make up, though she was wearing a different face. Her battle face. She looked truly dangerous.

Georgia was trailing behind her, wearing a similar look and face. All business.

"Are you ready?" Marianna asked, clamping a hand on my shoulder.

I looked up at her. "No, but I'll never be."

"What's so important about this attack?" Georgia wondered off handedly, examining the blade of her dagger.

"I don't know. She won't tell me," Marianna replied. She sent me a pointed look, but I reflected it by looking down at my boots.

"It's nothing," I mumbled. "I'm always nervous."

"Right..." Marianna scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"Whatever. If its dangerous or will effect us any  way, America would tell us. She's that kind of person," Georgia said.

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