Chapter 15:- Watson, We Have A Problem!

Start from the beginning

"Who's this maniac who bought a Tesla in our building?!", Shreya exclaimed.

"There's No way that this car is from your building.", Dhruv replied.

"I agree to that, i mean why would he/she be living here if they could afford a Tesla!", Abhay added.

I couldn't say much but agree with the boys, because they had a point, BUT our building was the most sophisticated of the lot in Powai.

That's when i noticed something, Akaash hadn't spoken a word yet. This prick had something in his mind, i do agree that he has lied a lot to us about things that he has, and sometimes we do agree with him, BUT this was the time that we wouldn't accept it even if he showed us the keys to the car.

"Well? Why are we standing in front of somebody's car?", Dhruv shrugged his shoulders.

"Speak up Mister! What are we doing in front of a tesla?", Shreya asked.


At this moment i was busy showing signs to Natalie that i'm bored. You know the Dab and the Nae-Nae from out of NOwhere.

"Well, you guys know that i really wanted to drive a sports car, don't you?", Akaash finally spoke up with a crooked smile on his face.

"Yes, yes we do..", Arya replied.

"Oh goody! Well then why are we wasting time?! Let's go for the Paaarty!", Akaash sounded excited.

We all looked at each other in confusion yet AGAIN, and that's when Akaash realised his mistake.

"Oh yeah and btw this car's mine.", Akaash smiled.

The audacity that this prick had to act like it was NOTHING to own a freaking TESLA MODEL X in Powai, fuck powai, Mumbai! Actually fuck mumbai, in INDIA was pissing me off, but then again it's Akaash and nobody else can be him but he himself, freaking weirdo!

"DUdeeeeee! That's soooooo cooool! Wowww!", unison voice.

It's quite funny that these guys sound like goats when they see something extraordinary, "BEhhh."

I just stood there in place while the others gathered around the car and started checking it out, one from the wheels, one from the front, one from the side and the rest from the back.

Subconscious Mind:- "Huh, looking at it in a writer's point of view, that sounds wrong like REALLY wrong, Gross!"

Akaash broke the commotion of the others by lifting up his hands and walking in front of the car and saying, "Who all are ready to have the drive of their LIFE?!"

This moment looked a lot familiar to that of Jesus gathering his disciples to preach the word, but instead it was one prick holding the keys to a luxury car and a bunch of dogs wagging their tails for him to open the door to the car.

[The dog reference was a metaphor, please don't attack me]

Then Akaash presses a button and the Beauty starts! Oh god, this surely can be cheesy but even i got slightly turned on by the way this car opened. This damn thing had doors that open like WINGS, and the headlights oooh oooh just the perfect icing on the cake!

Everybody jumped into the car like a congress of monkeys, including me :3

Subconscious Mind:- "Yes, a group of monkeys is called a CONGRESS. Sounds familiar? Not to me :3."

Then Akaash started the car.......this thing sounded AMAZING!

He reminded us that we couldn't make a word while he drove us out of the building, after which we were free birds! We shut our mouths like little school kids and watched as this guy pulled the car out of the parking and then the gate.

Not even seconds after we exited the building, this dude switched the car into SPORTS mode! Oh boy we were about to shake things up a little! He leans back a little, pulls the steering towards him and hits the pedal!

20-40-60-100-120km/hr! We were cruising through the speedometer limit without giving a damn about the surroundings, that's when Akaash screamed," Anybody wants to get on the sunroof?!"

This is when i knew shit was about to hit the floor! Dhruv immediately gets up in seconds and has half his body out of the car! Things were happening so fast that i couldn't figure out what was going on, all i can see is that the road ahead was moving towards me very quick and all i could hear was the muffled sound of Dhruv from the sunroof, and a few screams of excitement from the girls.

"Bro, i think we're going a bit to fast! Slow down a little bit before you run over someone!", i screamed but in vain because the cars sound of going 150+ km/hr was deafening, add that with Abhay's metal music playlist blasting through the car. It was a mess.

"This is Lifeeeee!!!", Dhruv screamed from the top.

That's when it hit me, this idiot was driving us at 150+ km/hr in a sports car, without a LICENSE!

"Dude! You don't have a license! Slow down! We could get into some serious trouble if we are caught driving underage at such high speeds!", i wailed.

"Relax, i've got this..", Akaash reaffirmed.

That's all i heard after which all i see is a black van blocking the road ahead of us! This meant bad news! Akaash notices the Van just seconds after i did, but it was too late..

*Screeeech* *Bang*



What's up my family?! How have y'all been? I know that i missed an upload last week, so to compensate with that i have given y'all a twist in the story. More like a cliffhanger! So tell me, who do you think was in the van? Do you think John is in danger? Let me know in the comments down below and yeah i'll catch up with you guys later.



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