Roman/Creativity, Day 7 - I'm Gay

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Summary: Roman is very gay. Thankfully so is his classmate Logan. They're very gay together. [Human, high school AU]

For the prompt: "I'm gay motherfucker"

Warnings: swearing


This is not what Logan wanted. Not at all. He is a straight A student, on the school council, and enjoy the few timid friends he has. But being paired up with Roman Prince, the head of the football team who also had a steady role every time in the school shows and was known for being loud, boisterous, and egocentric, has to be the worst thing that has happened to him this school year. So far at least.

Roman practically falls into the seat next to him, his books slamming onto the desk where Logan's friend – Virgil – had previously been sitting, he luckily got paired up with his boyfriend Patton, he suspects the teacher just likes them both enough to let them choose to be together. Traitors.

"So," Roman starts, turning in his chair so he's sideways and looking directly at Logan, "you're Logan Bell, right?" And Logan fights not to roll his eyes, Roman knows exactly who he is, and this is just trivial small talk, and yet he replies, "yes." Roman laughs, again a little too loudly, "you sure are talkative, so, I think we should get to know each other if we're going to be working together for a couple of weeks." Logan disagrees.

But he knows Roman won't give in that easily, there's a reason he's the football captain, aside from the fact he looks hot as hell in the uniform, not that Logan would tell him that. "Fine," Logan sighs, defeated, "what would you like to know?" And, honestly, he finds Roman's little eye roll and thoughtful face oddly endearing but it also makes him want to punch him. "What's your favourite subject?" He asks, pointing a finger at Logan.

Logan makes a face of distaste; out of everything he could have asked he asked that. "Chemistry," he answers quickly followed by, "yours?" And he doesn't know why he asked Roman the same, he doesn't care and doesn't want to have this conversation. "English," Roman answers, smiling so bright and blinding that Logan averts his eyes for a moment.

"What else do you do in the school, like, do you have any hobbies?" Roman asks, leaning one arm on the table and resting his chin on the palm of his hand. "I'm on the student council but I don't have any hobbies, aside from reading I guess," Logan admits, shrugging a little and he fights not to ask Roman the same again. But Roman answers anyway, "oh, that's cool, I'm on the football team and in the drama group, and I also like reading too and writing things." Logan knows most of that anyway.

And there's a hint of something, maybe shyness or complete and utter honesty, in Roman's voice and Logan has to swallow and cough before responding, "that's, uh, that's cool." Logan never thinks things are cool because he's not cool. "Yeah, it kind of is," Roman says, a light smile on his face which seems sincerer than the bright smile before. Logan's sure he's blushing and also staring right now, and he needs to say something, quick.

"Your girlfriend is a lucky woman then to have such a, um, skilled guy as you," Logan says, trying his very best to look very unimpressed and going back to writing down notes off the board, missing the offended look on Roman's face. "I'm gay, motherfucker!" Roman announces, voice a little too loud attracting the attention of some of the other classmates. And Logan doesn't know whether to hit him or burry his blushing face into his hands.

"Ah, right, and I thought we had nothing in common," Logan mutters almost to himself, choosing to focus on the paper in front of him and not at the handsome football player/theatre kid next to him. "Oh," Roman says, observing him for a little while longer, taking in his words and exactly what they mean and- "oh." And Logan can't help smirking this time, "yes, 'oh.'" He looks back up at his partner who is now blushing beautifully, and Logan really wants to hit him now, maybe playfully, a short hit on the arm like the cheerleaders do. He doesn't.

"Are you single?" Roman asks, sudden and out of the blue, and Logan doesn't know which of them is blushing more. Still he answers, "uh, yes, I am." He fights not to add on 'who would want to date me?' Roman nods, slow and thinking before smiling at him again and, god, he needs to stop smiling because Logan doubts the teacher would be happy with him kissing Roman right here in class. "Can I take you out sometime?" Roman asks, worrying his lip for a moment, no doubt a nervous habit.

"Like a date?" Logan blurts out, his flush never fading, and Roman grins wildly, knowing Logan is considering it. "Yeah, like a date," Roman answers and Logan's smiling as well now, "sure, yeah. Why though?" Roman's face falls a little, "because, well, I think you're cute and I want to get to know you better. Plus, you put up a bit of a fight, I like that." Logan laughs, stifling it with his hand and he has to turn away from Roman, "okay."



"Can I pick you up at seven?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"Well, you should probably give me your number, you know, just in case."

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