Logan/Logic, Day 6 - Science Saturday

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Summary: Logan and Virgil go stargazing, something they've done even before their relationship advanced, and Logan is a little too distracted by Virgil to focus on the stars. And he's still flustered by his emotions for his boyfriend.

For the prompt: c. Astronomy! Draw or write a situation where Logan is admiring the stars! Does he tell another about the different constellations? Or is he ranting about the possibility of life beyond our reach as humans? Or is he just more focused on the stars in the eyes of the side beside him? Your choice!

Warnings: minor embarrassment


Stars. There's too many to count in the night sky tonight. Logan and Virgil are lying side by side on the cool grass in the darkness of their garden. The sky is cloudless and the stars bright. Though Logan couldn't care less tonight. Any other night Logan would love this sky, to observe and study, but his mind is on other things. Focused on the man laying next to him. His beautiful boyfriend, so shy and quiet – one of the reasons why they work so well together – but so headstrong and confident in his own way.

Before they got together they were all secret glances and flushing when they were caught, shy smiles and fond looks. Some of this stayed, some of it didn't. They became more affectionate but understood each other's boundaries, knew when enough was enough for one day but knew when the other wanted that little bit more comfort or company. They just worked. They work. And it probably helps that they're very love struck.

"Logan?" Virgil asks, soft and almost cautious. "Yes?" He replies, glancing over at the other who is looking straight back at him, holding himself up on his side with his arm. "What are you thinking about?" Virgil says. And maybe it's obvious that Logan is out of it, maybe it's obvious that he's focused very much on Virgil rather than the stars, but Logan can't bring himself to mind. "You," he answers honestly and, yes, it's a little cheesy and cliché (Roman would be proud) but it's the truth.

Virgil flushes, a light pink spread across his cheeks almost indistinguishable in the darkness, only illuminated by the night sky and the lamp they left on in the kitchen. "What about me?" Virgil asks a little cheeky, definitely more so than before they were dating because he knows where the line is, and it is far, far away and more flexible because, lets be real, Logan is so madly and deeply in love with him that he'd let almost anything slide.

"Just how much I love you, I guess," Logan says, "nothing specifically really. I just can't believe we're here, now, we're together because you're amazing, and cute, I mean, look at you, and you're so- yeah, sorry, I went on a bit there, didn't I?" Logan's flushed bright red from embarrassment by the end and Virgil is no better off from receiving those compliments. "It's okay," Virgil reassures, leaning over a little and pressing a kiss to Logan's lips, obviously smiling into the kiss, "I think you're cute too."

They go back to not quite focused stargazing, shuffling that little bit closer until they're pressed up against each other, cuddled together. Soft whispers of 'I love you' shared as well as soft kisses into the hair, temple, cheek, and lips. It goes on until they're almost dozing, and Virgil leads them inside and into their shared bed.

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