Logan/Logic, Day 2 - An Infinitesimal Tuesday?

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Summary: Logan is always so perfect and organised. Well, Virgil realises this isn't the case when he goes to check on Logan in his room.

For the prompt: c. What would actually happen if Logan didn't have the organization skills we all think he has? Draw or write a time the other sides find out Logan isn't as collected as they think he is!

Warnings: none.


Logan is known to be cool, calm, and collected. Both mentally and physically. He's eloquent, his words are careful, and his arguments always planned. His outfit is always on point and he is always on time. So, it comes as a huge shock to Virgil when he goes to check on the logical side to see that his room is such a mess.

Papers scattered across his desk and the floor around it, books on the shelves in no particular order and some on the floor too. Logan himself in laying on his bed, face down, the sheets a mess and pillows fall off the mattress. The bedside lamp is the only light source, illuminating the mess of clothes pouring out of his dresser – none of his pressed shirts or dress trousers though, most of it is fandom merch (mostly Sherlock and Doctor Who but Virgil spots of few Harry Potter and Disney t-shirts too.)

"Um, Lo?" Virgil asks hesitantly, trying to gain the other's attention and Logan just groans, "Lo, Logan, Logic Sanders I swear to god" There's movement from the bed, Logan lifts his head up from where he's hiding and, realising Virgil is actually there and not going away any time soon, gets up slowly, smoothing out his shirt the best he can and putting his glasses back onto his face. "Yes?" Logan asks as if it's nothing, as if he isn't standing in the middle of this mess. And Virgil raises an eyebrow at him in disbelief.

"I, uh, I was just checking up on you, we haven't seen you all morning and Patton and Roman are going to start making food soon, so, I- yeah," Virgil says, trying hard not to look around the room too obviously but he's just so darn curious as to why Logan's room, out of everyone's, is a mess. "Oh, okay, I shall be down in five minutes then," Logan replies nonchalantly, making his way over to his desk without even smoothing out his sheets or fixing his tie which is unusually crooked.

"Logan," Virgil says before he can stop himself, "why is your room so messy? Like, seriously, it's worse than Patton's after he lost that memory book that one time." Logan smiles, a little shy and sheepish and Virgil suggests this isn't exactly purposeful. "Well, I guess I get distracted," Logan mutters, gesturing to the desk which is full of both finished and unfinished work, "I start one task them move onto the next, forgetting about it for a while, then- yeah."

And Logan's flushed a light pink, clearly a little embarrassed about the whole thing. "That's fair," Virgil reassures, well, reassures the best he knows how to because he knows Logan won't want to be tease about such a thing. "Maybe I can help you clean up some time," he suggests with a shrug as if this isn't a big deal because it's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but the gesture is nice and makes Logan smile, small and soft, "sure. Thanks, Virgil."

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