Chapter 12: Successor of the Azure and an Old Enemy Returns!

Start bij het begin

Noel: Request denied... Continued existence supersedes your order.

Nu: Processing information... executing command-string for incomplete target. Murakumo...Activated.

Noel: Target hostile. Activating defensive programming. Summoning Nox Nyctores.

Noel then summoned two hand cannons, and got to a stance.

Nu: Target summoning phenomena-class weaponry. Threat level elevated.

Noel: "Now commencing termination."
Nu: "Now commencing termination."


Y/N's prospective

After Ragna and I heard gunshots, we ran to where the noise is coming from. As we got closer, I feel the air of the boundary, it's feels heavy.

We got to where the gunshots where coming from, and we see a girls fighting one in a NOL outfit that I don't recognize, but the other girl it's someone I completely recognize. I found the girl from my vision and now I have to end her before she kills Ragna or anyone else.

Ragna: Y/N, I want you not get involved in this next fight. I'll handle her and you protect that NOL chick.

Y/N: But Ragna, I want to fight too.

Ragna: No buts, this is something that I have to do myself at least.

Y/N: It's sounds like you know that white hair girl.

Ragna: Well, let's just say it's complicated I had to fight her every time I go to these cauldrons, but enough talk we got to save her.

Y/N: Alright, but I'm intervening like it or not.

Ragna: Fine whatever you say, geez your stubborn.

3rd prospective

Noel is still fighting Nu, and her consciousness slowly comes back. Her attacks lose their speed and precision as she became more aware of herself.

Noel's thoughts: Why am I fighting...? Why must I attack this girl?

Nu on the other hand, has landed some blows to Noel with her blades.

Noel could fight any longer and falls to her knees.

Noel's thoughts: No...I can't arms...

Nu: Unit rebooted. Deploying blades.

No mater how many blades she took care of, they keep coming back.

Noel's thoughts: Am I...going to this? Maybe...but I'm not scared. It is because of the Nox Nyctores?

She began thinking of her last thoughts with death coming for her.

Noel's thoughts: Aw, man...I'm starving... I wonder what Tsubaki and Makoto are up to right now...? I wish I could have pigged out with them on cake one last time... Will Mother and Father... will they cry when I'm gone? I want to see them...just once more...

Nu: Perish.

Noel: No...I...don't...want...TO DIE!

Noel closes her eyes waiting for the end, but it never happened. She opened her eyes, not daring to hope and she sees two people in front of her. One wearing F/C clothes while holding the blade with two fingers. And the other wearing a blood red jacket and holding a large sword.

Azure Saiyan (Blazblue X Saiyan Devil God Male-Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu