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Getting married is completing half of one's deen.

Beautiful lady and handsome man equals beautiful wedding.

Pious lady and faithful man equals beautiful marriage.

For Allah's plans are always better than our dreams.

After my decision, our wedding date was fixed to ending of the year and that's DECEMBER.

Alhamdulillah, DECEMBER has come and the preparation has started. Family, friends are already around. They're back in town. Rafaaq uncle, aunt, my friends, Aarib and his wife Khadeejah, wariz and my distant cousin, Iqbal. Zaidan, umar and Abass are also present to attend my wedding.

Mum, my friends and i went to shop for my nikkah and walimah's dresses. We checked different wedding stores for the dresses. We finally got a quality store. We entered the store and I picked a pink gown with golden sequin and pink shoes for my nikkah and a white flowing gown and white heels for my walimah.

Won't you shop for your necklace? Asked marwa

She already has a necklace, said ghazala

How? Asked Latifah

Don't tell me, you gonna use your old necklaces for your wedding, said Zulykha with an arched brow

No, I said

But what? Asked halimah

Mum and brother (Shumayll) gifted her diamond necklace each, said ghazala

Masha Allah, they all exclaimed

You're so lucky, said Zulykha

Thank you, I replied

Ladies, enough of the gist, let's go have lunch, said mum

Ok mum, we all said

It's the D-DAY and the nikkah is after maghrib. It's already past 7 and we're already at the masjid. The marriage counseling was given to us by a counselor followed by the sermon.

Shumayll Baasim, do you take Aliyah Salman as your wife? Asked the Imam

Yes, I do, he replied and signed the marriage certificate

Aliyah Salman, do you take Shumayll Baasim as your husband? Asked the Imam

Yes, I do, I replied and signed the marriage certificate

Now Mrs Aliyah Shumayll Baasim... Barakallah lakum mawa baraka alaikum ma wa jama baynakuma fih khayr.

We walked to where our parents and relatives are and they all hugged us.

After the two rakah and dua. Shumayll was about to leave the room when I asked him where he was going

Where are you going?

I'm going out for a walk


See you soon

Shumayll left the room and I went to bathroom to shower and I unpacked my bags. The closet is beside the bathroom, I placed my clothes neatly where shumayll put my bag in the closet. I change my dress to pyjamas and I slept.

Shumayll's POV

It's 10 in the night and I'm scared to sleep beside her. I walked into the garden and sit on the chair.

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