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A meaning life is not being rich, being popular, being highly educated or being perfect. It's all about being real, being humble, being strong, being able to share ourselves and touch the lives of others.
                                            Zahra zee

After lecture, I carpooled with marwa back home.

Allah Hafiz, I said

Allah Hafiz, replied marwa

I'll be expecting you by 11am tomorrow, I said

Ok, no problem, she said

See ya, I said

Catcha later, she said zooming off in her Chevrolet

I walked towards my house front door and I opened the door to find my mum cleaning the house.

Salam alaikum ummi, I greeted her

Walaikum salam habibti, she replied

Lemme help you out ma, I said dropping my bag

No, don't worry, how was your day? She asked

It went well, I said smiling

Go and freshen up and come and help to make dinner, she said

Ok ma, I've a gist for you ma, I said

Ok, don't stay long, she said

I went upstairs to my room, I untied my hijab and went to the bathroom to shower, I changed into tees and leggings and place a scarf on my head. I do open my hair when I'm at home since I'm the only kid and there's no relative staying in my house with me and my parents. I went downstairs to help with dinner.

Ummi, I called

What dear? She asked

Nothing mum, I replied

Ok, she said

Zulykha and Latifah are getting married next two months, I said smiling

Alhamdulillah, how old are they? She asked

Zulykha is 19 and Latifah is 20, I replied

Ok, said ummi

They also getting married to a billionaire like them, I said

Billionaire!!!! Exclaimed ummi

Sorry, I mean Zulykha is getting married to a millionaire who owns a textile company, and Latifah is getting to a billionaire who owns a car manufacturing company, I explained

Masha Allah, she said smiling

They are extremely happy, I said

I'm happy for them, she said

Me too, I said

May Allah bless their unions, she prayed

Ameen yah Allah, I said

What are we preparing for dinner? I asked ummi

Rice and chicken, she said

That's good, I said jumping

It is, miss foodie, she said

I'm not ummi, I said laughing hysterically

You are, she said

I'm also getting married, I blurted

What? What did you just say? She asked

Nothing ummi, I replied munching on the Apple I'm holding

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