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Life is a journey, keep going, don't worry about the potholes on the way or gravel roads, they will just mold you into a better you!!!! KEEP GOING AND HAVE FAITH


It's Thursday and my dad is leaving for Thailand on Saturday, I woke up late since I'm not going to school, I was still thinking about what happened yesterday after the dinner. I quickly jumped up from the bed and went to the bathroom to shower, after bathing, I opened my closet and choose a blue pant and black top, I'm not using scarf since I'm with my family alone. I headed downstairs for breakfast when I met my parents watching kdrama on the Television.

Salam alaikum Abba, ummi, I greeted

Walaikum salam, they replied

You woke up late, said dad

Yes, I said

Ok, go and eat your breakfast, it's inside the microwave, she said

Ok ma, I replied

I headed to the kitchen for my breakfast when I noticed some grocery bags lying on the kitchen table, it's all full with food stuffs.

Did you go for shopping? I asked

Yes, your dad and I went for shopping, said mum

Ok, I said as I started eating my breakfast

Marwa's POV

I was in the sitting room when my parents came to join me.

Salam alaikum dear, they greeted

Walaikum salam to you too, I replied

Why are you not in school? Asked mum

I'm not having class throughout this week, I replied

Ok, that means you will be going to Dubai tomorrow with your mum and mother-inlaw for shopping, said dad

Why early? I asked

Coz there won't be any chance for you to travel next week, replied mum

So, you need to go tomorrow and return on Monday, said dad

Ok, no problem, I said

We're going out, they said

Ok, I said

Allah Hafiz, they said

Allah Hafiz, I said

They left and I picked up a fashion magazine lying beside the sofa on a stool, as I was looking through it , I decided to message zaidan.

Salam alaikum, zai

I went back to the magazine when I heard a beep from my phone, it's a message from zaidan

Walaikum salam, how are you?

Alhamdulillah, I'm fine and you

Same here

How's work?

Huh, it's going on well and I hope you're preparing for your exam

Yes, I am

Ok, wish Allah's rahma, barka and hikmah

Ameen, JazakAllah khair jaza


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