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Sorry for the long ass wait I've been SO BUSY with packing and shit since I'm moving countries. Literally in the airport right now but I made a promise to myself to update before I leave.


Once again it's important for y'all to read the recap if you don't remember certain characters like from the other houses (Royal families) that haven't been mentioned a lot. If you confused of course comment and I'll help you out (:

Pls enjoy and comment and excuse any errors !!



¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.


  Reina gazed solemnly at the dragon eggs in front of her that sat in a large metal bowl with a fire blazing under it. She and Harry had just returned from a quick dinner and were getting ready for bed. While Harry was in the garderobe, Reina took it upon herself to put out the fire and keep the eggs back in the golden chest. But she was too caught up with the beauty of the eggs. She could only imagine how gorgeous the creatures would look like once they were born. But sadness kept interrupting any sort of excitement she'd feel for the future whenever she looked at these eggs. It would just remind her of Vaera's tragedy.

"Reina, my love, you must rest. We have a long day tomorrow. The heads will be arriving," Harry rambled as soon as he left the garderobe and found Reina standing before the eggs. "Reina?"

"I think it'd be best if we give these eggs to Reyes to take back to Vardomos," she spoke up in response, voice breaking as she spoke when she looked at Harry with sad eyes.

"W-What? Why?" Harry immediately stammered with wide eyes, walking over to her.

"I just believe that..." she trailed off before sighing, looking back down at the eggs as her hands reached out to grip the sides of the bowl. Harry flinched at the sight, knowing that the burning hot metal must be searing her flesh. But it wasn't. She was completely unfazed.

"It's just that...after seeing what happened to Vaera yesterday night, I just don't want to raise them here. They can't be raised in captivity, that'll just inhibit their growth. If they're raised outdoors, they may cause chaos...there's just so many factors that play into this. Of course it'll take time till they hatch, but when they do I believe it'd be better for it to happen in Vardomos."

"Reina," Harry sighed heavily, wrapping his arms around her waist from the back and resting his chin on her shoulder. "Look, they're just dragons at the end of the day. We can talk about this another time-" Harry mumbled tiredly before he noticed Reina's facial expression.

"Don't, Harry," Reina shook her head at him, emotions building up inside her as she spoke. She moved away from him to face him. "Vaera came to me during a time of pain and tragedy. When I was too young to have lost a mother, she was there for me, a-and now she's gone! She's gone! Grandmother's gone! Jon is gone! My parents are gone! Everyone is dying! Who'll be next? Huh? Genevieve? Reyes? Our babies? You?"

Heavy Crown ♚ H.S [ON HOLD]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora