HC One-shot Contest: CLOSED ♚

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Hello my loveliessssss

So Heavy Crown recently got 200K views, which is incredible! Thank you to every single one of you for reading this book, voting and commenting, just overall supporting this book in every way. I love you all so much!

I thought to sort of celebrate by running a one-shot contest because I've seen other authors do this and it looks cool and fun. I hope there'll be a decent amount of participants and not just one or two 'cause that would suck ass, but hey I think I'd be happy to see even ONE entry. Actually three because there has to be three winners

So if you're interested in entering, please do because I'd love to see your entries and your ideas, and please don't worry about like the quality of your writing because to me all I care about is your creativity and how well you know the characters and the book enough to do an amazing one-shot. So please, give it go if you're interested, don't worry about judgement because I'm sure I'll love every single one of them ❤️

So here are the "rules" or just general outlines of the competition.


To enter, you must comment here if you want to do it, so that I know who exactly is planning to enter.

The one-shot has to be related to Heavy Crown obviously, and it can really be about anything. Since we're at the point in the book were Harry has done some cute stuff to make up to Reina, and they're just at a good point in their relationship, I thought this contest would be fitting because you guys can do fluff one shots where Harry does cute stuff for Reina, like I dunno, planning cute dates like picnics in the castle grounds.

  Or even funny one shots like Reina and Harry roasting Gemma I DUNNO! Serious one shots like the Followers of Messiah ambushing again, Reina saves Harry or Harry saves Reina. Anything really, dragon eggs hatching, Reina getting pregnant, whatever you want. These are all ideas.

It also doesn't have to be just Reina and Harry, it could even be JON and Reina, since there hasn't been much shown about their relationship, it's a much broader thing to write about if that makes any sense. There could even be smutty one shots with Reina and Harry ;)

The day to submit entries starts TODAY (basically as soon as this is published) December 31st 2017, till the 11th of Jan, which is the deadline. No entries will be considered after that.

If you are participating, you will NOTIFY me by DM, and at the start of your one-shot write something like one-shot for @macklemcvey, or dedicate it to me so that I get tagged in it and am notified. BASICALLY just notify me one way or the other.

I will be reading all of the one-shots, voting and commenting. I will also be adding them all to a reading list on my profile named "WOMAN", including the winners and all the participants' one-shots.

There will be three winners, they will receive a sticker for the cover of the one-shot (yes I made a sticker for the one-shots it's cute and took me half an hour to make) and a list of prizes for them to pick from.

1st Place: 3 choices from the list

2nd Place: 2 choices

3rd Place: 1 choice

[NOTE: this might change depending on if I find more prizes ideas to increase the list.]

Anyways these are the prizes:

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