Chapter Fifty Five

Start from the beginning

Dinah nodded "I guess you're right."

Ally stayed downstairs with Nick and Lauren while Dinah and Camila went upstairs. Dinah joined Camila in her room, they changed out of there dresses and sat on the floor

"Mila you have your guitar ready?"

"So you're gonna sing for Normani tomorrow?"

"The doctors told me I could. You know I've been practicing this song for months now."

Camila started playing a long to Dinah's soft singing not wanting to ruin the surprise.

****Wedding Day****

Dinah was listening to "Marry You" By Bruno Mars loudly throughout the house.

Lauren picked her phone up off the nightstand it was 6:03AM.

Lauren groaned "Ugh why is she so-"

Lauren looked over and saw Camila standing in front of the mirror. She was looking into it with her beautiful brown eyes, she was brushing her long brown hair and trying to style the ends. She delicately placed a bracelet on her wrist.

"My god Camz."

"Well good morning Lolo."

That was a nickname Lauren hadn't heard from Camila in a while.

"Good morning Camz, you look so beautiful. Why are you awake?"

"Dinah came in this morning and yelled "It's my wedding day!" She even threw confetti on the floor.

Lauren scratched her head and looked down to the floor that was covered in gold colored confetti. "How the hell did I miss that??"

Camila laughed "You're a heavy sleeper baby girl."

The whole morning was a blur. The girls were rushing around getting dressed and putting hair pins in each other's hair and making sure they looked picture perfect. Ally and Nick left before the others to help Normani get ready.

Back at the hospital Normani was getting super nervous. 

"Do you think Dinah is excited?"

Ally shook her head "Of course she is! She's marrying you. Why wouldn't she be excited?"

"It was a spur of the moment thing. Amaya doesn't to get to a part of the wedding and I can't have the official first dance we wanted to do."

"Normani she's excited. She couldn't fall asleep last night cause she's too excited about marrying you."

Ally helped Normani in her dress and finished applying her makeup. Ally left Normani's hair down, it had a wave to it and it was naturally beautiful.

Camila and Lauren were giving Dinah a pep talk.

"DJ she's your bestfriend. You love her. Don't be nervous. You're just talking to Normani you're telling her how much you love her."

Dinah smiled "You're right Laur, I love Mani, It'll be easy to tell her how much I love her."

The wedding was small. It was Dinah's mom and dad, and Normani's parents and grandma. All the girls were there. Nick was officiating the wedding, and some of Normani's doctors were there including Angelina who took care of Normani when was pregnant and delivered Amaya. Derek was there who's Amaya's doctor in the PICU. The couple were getting married in an old part of the ICU that is no longer used.

The played soft music on a keyboard that was brought in by a nurse who was also playing.

Camila grabbed the basket of flowers and began throwing them down the hallway, the aisle was short but it perfect for this wedding. Dinah and her father followed. She stood at the end of the aisle by Camila and in front of Nick. Next was Normani.

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