taste of misleading

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Hurts like hell
Just thinking about meeting Craig after school cause's Tweek's heart to feel like its going to almost burst out of his chest. The boy wondered what Craig possibly wanted. Maybe he wanted to watch red racer with him after school? Or maybe he needed advice for stripe? There was endless possibilities but one stuck out more than the others. Perhaps Craig wanted to ask him out... god, he hoped Craig asks him to be his. However Tweek shouldn't get his hopes  up. Nothing good ever comes out of it.
It's the end of the day and Tweek is walking out the school doors. His heart feels like someone is clutching it, almost like it could burst any second. Tweek hates how he's feeling. Craig isn't going to ask him out. But those hopeful thoughts keep getting to his head. So Tweek tries his best to ignore them.

"Hey, dude."

"C-Craig! what's up dude?"

When the question leaves Tweek's lips Craig noticeably tenses up. Tweek notices that and his little hope of Craig asking him out is back again. His hands feel sweaty, and all he wants to do is wipe them on his green button up shirt. But decides to shove his hands inside his pants pocket instead. He watches as Craig takes a deep breath. He himself swallows nervously. Then Craig opens his mouth.

"I have a crush on Kenny-"

The whole world around Tweek seemed to stop instantly. He could hardly focus on anything around himself. (Including  the boy he loves) He could feel something breaking inside him, the sharp shards of his heart falling into his insides. Is this how heartbreak feels?" Tweek thinks to himself sadly. He knows the pain he's feeling is his heart breaking into pieces. But he didn't expect it to hurt this bad. Slowly the world around Tweek started to fade back to normal. The first thing he's sees Is Craig looking over at him. Tweek then realizes Craig must of asked him something and awkwardly asks him to repeat his question.
When Tweek gets home the tears fall out of his eyes like a never ending river. He's clutching at his hair feeling the hot tears roll down his cheeks. At the back of his mind he wishes for the pain to be over. But he knows his wish will never come true. Craig doesn't love him back. He loves Kenny instead. Tweek should accept that already. Yet he can't help but still love the boy deeply. Even if that'll be the death of him.
In the end he realizes something...
Where does that leave him?

Hurts like hell {creek~}Where stories live. Discover now