taste of compliments

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Hurts like hell
Tweek could remember when it wasn't all that bad. When he didn't have to hide this awful disease from his friends. Or when only rose petals left his mouth and the pain was bearable. Tweek could tell the disease was worsening by the way whole roses would erupt from inside him. If Craig doesn't share the same feelings in time, the rose petals taking shelter in tweeks body will consume his lungs and suffocate him, killing him instantly. Sadly, it was becoming obvious that Craig wasn't going to feel the same about him any time soon. Yet, Tweek doesn't regret loving the boy. If it meant dying just so he could remember how it feels to love Craig. He wouldn't give it up in a heart beat. Craig made him feel like a normal human being. Not like other people. They all treated him like he was a freak. But Craig he didn't. He liked tweek for who he was. Hell, Craig doesn't even care of what people think of him. That's what tweek loved about him. However Tweek does wish Craig loved him back so be wouldn't of had to experience the dreadful taste of roses and blood combined. And don't forget the unbearable pain that comes along with it.
The taste of blood and roses could still be traced on his taste buds. He tries to ignore the terrible flavour combination as he heads to class. A few eyes follow him as he takes a seat in his desk. The action making the boys anxiety rise. However one of those eyes belong to Craig, and Tweek can't help, but be memorized by his beautiful blue orbs. "Dude, what took you so long? Were you taking a huge shit?" Craig whispers over to Tweek after he takes a seat. Tweek flushes red in embarrassment by the bluntness of Craig's question. "W-what? No! What if a rat was in the pipes.. Or what if the aliens came to get me when I was using the toilet?!" Tweek could feel the anxiety trying to take over his body. His hand instinctively reaches towards his hair to pull. However Craig's hand stops him. "If you keep pulling your hair you're gonna become bald."

"Why-why would that matter, Craig?"

"I like your hair."

Tweeks mouth suddenly feels dry and its hard to swallow. Did Craig really mean what he said? He can feel his heart thump against his chest. It's faster than before. But Tweeks small doubts were slowly emerging from the shadows. "Craig was probably being friendly. Just because he says he likes my hair doesn't mean he likes me," thought Tweek. He attempts to get answers but right before he opens his mouth he gets cut off by the teacher. He gives both the boys a warning to stop talking before going back to teaching. However Craig doesn't give a single care in the world and flips the teacher off. Which gets him sent off to the office. But right before he leaves he says something to Tweek.

"Meet me after school. I gotta ask you something."

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