The Maximoff siblings part 1 (PP) edited.

Start from the beginning

She, like her sister, were given wooden play blocks.
Her hands glowed y/f/c as she used her powers to lift up the blocks.
1 started drifting away from her. Eventually 2 other blocks joined it. While the rest stayed with her.
And she just watched.
She wondered.
'Was that me? Am I that block? I was drifted away. Taken. Away from my parents. At least what I knew of them.'

She shook away the thoughts.

She focuses on the blocks and bring them back to her.
Like she's seen her sister do multiple times.
She took 2 of the blocks and stared at them.
She then smashed her hands together and the blocks smashed against each other getting destroyed.
But she also had this ability to bring things back together.
Some things that were unrepairable, she can repair.

Meanwhile on the other side of the glass

People were watching what she was doing.
"She can take the blocks. Destroy them, and then put them back together again as if nothing ever happened." He says
"Just watch" He says

She took the blocks apart and repaired them.
Once she was done she threw them  at the wall and they  didn't collapse. They were completely in tact.
Then she continued working on the other blocks.
She kept breaking and repairing.

A few times she would pace around the room finding things to lift and break. Then fix.
Then she was taken out of her 'room' and was taken to train.
She's now very skilled in combat.
She can take down 20 or more guys just by herself.
She began to be trained.


She and her siblings have been sent to fight the Avengers.
She watched as her sister used her fear manipulation powers on a Natasha Romanoff.
Earlier she used her hex bolts against Tony Stark.


She was now fighting alongside her siblings against Ultron.
They worked for him. Now they don't.
We started using our powers and killed a lot of the robots.
But then the terrible happened.
Pietro was shot.

But he didn't die.


Y/n had just in time, made a shield around Pietro before any other bullets could get to him.
Using one hand to keep the shield around him she used the other hand and she killed the robots the tried killing her older brother.
She already so much death at the age of 14 she couldn't bear to see her own brothers death.
Wanda though, very affected by her brothers injury, screamed, and killed all the robots coming for them.
Y/n used her powers and brought Pietro to the hospital.

Now she sat in a waiting room.
There were so many people injured, civilians, from the fight.
Thankfully no one died.
But all the injuries looked terrible.
Some broke arms, broken legs, some had internal bleeding and badly damaged organs.
Y/n has seen worse... to herself and others.

She, along with her siblings, were tortured.
Hydra thought it was the best way to train them.
Every time they wouldn't  comply, they would torture them.
They've been doing to Y/n ever since she was a little girl. Same with the twins.
A doctors finally came up to her and said her brother will be ok.
They all know of what she could do and what Pietro was, but they saved him, it's what they do.
Y/n did something she's never done.
Give someone a hug.
The doctor was surprised at first but then slowly hugged back.
"Thank you." Y/n said
"No problem sweetie." She says
She pulls away and smiles.
She's never done a lot of smiling.
This was one of her first. And it was one time she was genuinely happy.
On her missions to assassinate, she had to fake her happiness.
Hydra always told her to not get attached so they wouldn't have any problem with the assassination.

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