"Stay right here baby girl. Daddy will be right back." I shut the door and ran back to the town where I used my ice magic to cover all the flames. I gathered as many people as I could from the burning buildings getting myself burnt in the process. It was okay though because I knew those people's lives were saved. After all the fire was put out all the citizens thanked me, after I left to go make sure Quinn was okay. 

Everything was okay and we ate at home instead. Next week we were going to start her training of the mind control. To make sure she'll be able to use it. I had found a book that had everything you needed to know about mind control magic. So I will be using that.


Another year passed and we are finally headed home. My little girl is now 7 and when we get home she will officially be a Fairy Tail member.

"Wake up dad. Wake up" I heard Quinn's voice call out to me. Waking up to see that the train had stopped and we were in Magnolia again. I followed Quinn off the train and as she ran to the guild. Her now long white hair flowing as she ran. Even if it has been 2 years how to get to the guild was ingrained in her head.

"Wait up Quinn!" I yelled so she would stop running.

"But daddddddd." She whined and I gave her a slight glare. She came back to me after that. I hated having to discipline her but I knew that she had to have manners.

"We have to get a house first. Then we can go to the guild. But we have to have a place to put our clothes." Her smile falters for a second but it soon returns as bright as ever.

"Okay, dad." Her reply filled with just as much joy as always.

"Hey, dad?" I was surprised by her tone. It wasn't happy anymore. More worried.

"Yes, baby girl,"

"Will the guild accept me?... I use black magic... And will they even remember us?" I stopped dead in my tracks and turned to face her. Kneeling so I was at her level I looked her in the eye.

"You are my daughter Quinn Fullbuster. So, of course, the guild will accept you as one of their own. Even if you have black magic inside of you, you use it for good and you have the heart of a fairy tail member. And they will remember us. Natsu is probably itching to fight me." I said in a very serious tone... well until the last part, I had a huge grin for that.

We found a small 2 bedroom apartment for 80,000 jewels a month. It wasn't bad for the apartment. (It was nice and looked like a bigger version of Lucy's apartment). Then much to Quinn's excitement, we walked to the guild.

Kicking open the door we walked in with all eyes on us.

"We're back!" I yelled and everyone started to cheer. I even saw a new face. It was a blond girl that stood next to Natsu.

"Let's go talk to gramps Quinn."

"Okay, dad."

Quinn's Pov

Dad knocked on master's door and then opened it when master told us to come in.

"Oh, Gray. And this young lady must be Quinn. Wow, you have sure sprouted. You've gotten so big in the past two years." Master said jumping down his desk and was now standing in front of me. I was like a foot taller than him.

"So Quinn, would you like to join the guild now? I can feel your magic power, your father has done a good job teaching you magic." I smiled and nodded.

"Yes, sir."

"Go down to Mira while I talk to Gray. She'll give you your mark." I nodded and walked down where Mira is.

"Mira," I said in a small voice. A tall girl with white hair came over to me.

"Oh, Quinn is that you? I haven't seen you and Gray in a long time" I smiled up at Mira.

"Yea. Dad and I just got back. Gramps said that I can join the guild now and you'll give me my guild mark." My smile never fading.

"Where and what color would you like your stamp," Mira said with her signature smile.

"Light blue with a white outline on my shoulder blade," I said pointing to my right shoulder blade. Mira gave me a stamp and just then dad stepped out of masters office and came walking over to me.

"Dad. Look I got my stamp. Just like you" I smiled pointing to my new mark.

"You're officially a member of Fairy Tail but you're not allowed to take jobs unless I'm with you. "

"Okay, dad." I huffed.

"Listen up everyone," Gramps yelled. Everyone eyes were on us and I hid behind dad's leg. There were too many people looking at me and I didn't like it.

"2 members are back from their trip to Mt.Hakobe. Gray and Quinn have returned and Quinn is now a member of the fairy tail guild." Gramps said as he pointed over to us.

"Hey, guys. Long time no see. You remember Quinn right? She has grown a lot since you last saw her." Dad said and then walked off the stage. I followed closely and then a girl with blonde hair walked up to me and started talking at a really fast pace.

"Hi, I'm Lucy I just joined a few months ago are you Grays daughter?"

"Um....um... yea," I said in a timid voice. I haven't really talked to anyone by dad for the past two years. I guess dad noticed that I didn't want to talk because he came over and picked me up putting me on his shoulders and walked out of the guild.

"Do you want to go on a mission?. I know you don't like talking to people and I thought you might want to go on your first mission." He asked looking up at me smiling.

"Really dad! Yay" I wiggled in excitement. Dad just laughed and started to read what the request is.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2019 ⏰

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