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5 Years later

Gray's Pov

I woke up to someone bouncing on my bed yelling at me.

"Daddy! Daddy! Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. You're supposed to take me to the Guild today! Come on daddy!" Quinn yelled still bouncing on my bed.

"Okay, baby girl okay. I'm up, I'm up." I laughed and took Quinn by the waist and pulling her to the bed tickling her. She was laughing and kicking and squirming all over. After that was over I went to her room and helped her get dressed. She wanted to wear a black shirt, black pants, and a long white coat. It's a lot like what I normally wear when I leave the house. At least she doesn't have the stripping habit as I do. I got dressed and made some breakfast for the two of us then we went to the guild. Quinn was skipping next to me playing in the fresh snow. I smiled at my little girl and joined her by throwing a small snowball her way.

"Daddy. I Love the snow." She smiled and giggled looking up at me. I smiled at her and laughed.

"Soon we can go to Mt. Hakobe and you'll learn how to use magic just like daddy" When I said that her smile grew larger and she continued to skip next to me. When we walked into the guild hall a table flew towards us. I quickly moved Quinn and froze the table. I looked darkly at whoever threw the table.

"Who threw that?!" I yelled and everyone pointed at Natsu. I walked over to him and we butted heads.

"Why would you throw a table at my daughter?!"

"I didn't mean to ice freak." He yelled. His fists lit on fire and he was about to throw a punch at me when he stopped and looked down. There stood Quinn looking dead in his eyes. Her eyes weren't her normal light blue they were a deep red.

"Never touch my daddy." Her voice laced with poison and Natsu started to fall to the ground. He was now at eye level with her. She reached out and touched him on the head. He fell flat on the ground not moving a muscle.  She stepped away and looked down at him.

"Don't touch my daddy!" She screamed at him and the whole guild went silent. Quinn turned around and her red eyes went back to light blue. She fell to the floor and started to cry. I ran over to her and picked her up.

"Shhh. It's okay baby. It's all okay." I said trying not to panic. I started walking out of the guild to the large cherry blossom tree. I sat down with her on my lap so I could look at Quinn. I didn't show it but I was worried and concerned about what just happened.

"I'm sorry daddy."She started to cry again. I rubbed her back trying to calm her down. In the 5 years that she has been my daughter, I have gotten quite good at calming her down. She is my little princess after all.

"Princess it's okay. When did you learn how to do that?" Her sobs became sniffles and she looked up at me.

"I-I don't...k-know... A-a-all I knew w-was that I h-had to p-p-protect d-daddy." She stuttered out.

"It's okay baby. Natsu wasn't going to hurt me. We're friends after all." I said trying to get her to calm down.

We sat at the cherry blossom tree until it was dinner time. Then we walked home and I made dinner while Quinn watched t.v. Once dinner was done we ate then I sent her to bed. I stayed up trying to figure out what type of magic she was using and just how she learned it.

I realized that I wasn't going to get any information from my house so I went to bed and was just going to go to the Guild tomorrow and look for answers there.


I woke Quinn up in the morning and helped her get dressed just like any other morning. We walked to the guild after breakfast when we got there she went to Mira to help her give food to the Guild members, while I went to the library to find answers.

While I was searching Natsu walked in almost like he was looking for me.

"Yo, Gray. What happened with Quinn yesterday?" I sighed as he walked over with his hands on the back of his head.

"I don't know. That's what I'm trying to figure out right now. Now go I really need to figure this out. My baby girl might be in danger and I want to help her control her magic." I said not looking up from the book I was reading. He scoffed but walked out leaving me alone once again.

"I found it!" I yelled when I found the type of magic that I saw my precious daughter use yesterday.

Mind control magic is a very rare type of caster magic. It gives the user the ability to control someone's actions by looking them in the eye. By directly making eye contact with the target, the user is able to manipulate that person, allowing them to control their mind and in turn order them to do their bidding. The target's eyes become red to show that they've been put under control. The user's eyes will also become a blood red signaling that a connection was made between the user and the target. Mind control magic is a type of black magic. It's a very dangerous magic when used wrongly.

There are only 2 known users of Mind control magic. Zash Canine and Yoru Ban

"Black magic??" My daughter has a type of black magic. I continued to read the book and then found another part that shocked me even more.

A mage can be born with black magic if they were the child of a black wizard. Only strong black wizards can give their child magic before they are born. These children are especially dangerous because they don't know how to control their magic. They only discover that they have the magic when they are trying to protect the ones they love. Learning to control their magic is harder than it would be to learn the magic itself.

"Well, it looks like we're going to have to go train sooner than planned," I said reading the book further. I continued to read to see if I could find any more about what my baby girl is going through, but soon I was interrupted by Quinn running into the library crying.

"Daddy!" She waled. I picked her up and wiped her tears from her face.

"What's wrong baby girl?" I asked concerned as to why she was crying so much.

"N-Natsu said that there was s-something w-wrong with m-me. A-and that you were g-going to leave me." She said gripping the front of my shirt.

"Baby I'm not going anywhere. I'm your father I could never leave you. I love you so much, princess. Let daddy deal with Natsu okay?"

"O-Okay." She said while her cries became small sniffles. I got up and put the book back still holding her then walked to the guild hall to go talk to Gramps.

I set Quinn down before we entered Gramp's office. I knocked on the door and heard a come in so I opened the door and Quinn went in first. I walked in and shut the door.

"Master I would like to let you know I won't be in the guild for 2 years." His eyes shot up from his paperwork to me.

"Why my child.?"

"Because I need to teach Quinn how to use her new magic and I plan to teach her Ice-make magic as well."

"Very well my child. Would you like me to remove your insignia?"

"No. I will be coming back. Just after Quinn can control her magic. I estimate that it will take about 2 years. I will send you letters keeping you informed on how her training is going. I just wanted to let you know before we left so you would worry. We will see you in a few years master." I said and master nodded. We walked out and down to the main hall. I didn't say anything to the guild knowing master would do it later when people start to notice that I'm gone. I had to tell someone so I went over Mira and told her what was going on. She wished me luck and gave us some food for the road. With that, I took Quinn's hand and we left the guild.  I stopped outside of the guild and looked back thinking of how much I'm going to miss the place. I think I'll even miss the flame brain Natsu.

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