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Gray's pov

I was walking from my house to the guild when this lady who had old ragged clothes on walked up to me. She held out her arms with a small bundle like she wanted me to take it so cautiously I took it out of her hands and when I looked down it was a small baby.

"Please... Please. Take her. I can not take care of her any longer. I have no money, no food, nothing. I want her to have a good life. Please keep her safe." The lady said almost not audible

"I don't know how to take care of a baby!" I yelled at the woman but when I looked up she was gone. The baby who was now in my arms began to cry and the only thing I knew what to do was rock side to side.

Once she was asleep I continued to the guild to talk to master. I walked into the guild and immediately she started to cry because of the noise. I ran to the infirmary and rocked her again. But she wouldn't stop crying. Mira walked in to see what was going on and when she saw me holding a baby she flipped out.

"Since when did you have a kid?!"

"Shh. Keep quiet I'm trying to put her back to sleep but she won't stop crying."

"When was she last fed?" She asked and I thought back to what the women said.

"Well the lady who gave her to me said she didn't have enough money to feed her. So I have no Idea." Mira looked at the baby and then ran out of the room. No matter what I did she continued to cry, and they were getting louder. Mira soon returned with a bottle of milk.

"Here give this to her and tell me the whole story." I nodded giving her the bottle and turning to Mira.

"I was walking to the guild this morning and a lady came up to me handing me her and saying she didn't have enough money to feed her. She asked me to take care of her. She wanted her to have a good life." I told Mira looking down at the baby who quieted down. She finished the bottle and fell asleep.

"I'm going to go talk to the Master about what I should do." And with that, I walked out of the infirmary and into the Masters Office.

"Well hello, my child. And who do you have in your arms?" Master asks.

"Master I need help. A lady gave me this baby girl because she couldn't take care of her. I don't know what I should do. I can't take care of a child." I explained to master.

"Well my child this lady gave you her child. So now you have your own child. This baby is yours now. The guild will help you when you get stuck but you are now a father. Protect this child with your life." He said and I looked down at my new baby girl.

"Are you sure I can do this?" All he did was a nod with a slight smile. I sighed and held my new baby girl close to my chest.

"Well if I'm gonna keep you I'm going to have to name you. How do you like Quinn?" She giggled in her sleep I took that as she liked it.

"Well, you are now Quinn Fullbuster. " I said and rocked her softly. I walked back to the guild's main area looking at Mira. We both nodded. She whistled and all eyes were on her.

"Gray has something he would like to say." She said and now everyone was looking at me.

"I have adopted a baby girl. Her name is Quinn and she will be apart of the guild once she reaches age. Please be careful when you're around her. I will hurt anyone who hurts her. Got it. ." I said walking out of the guild hall and walking to town to go shopping for my new baby girl.

I bought her a crib and a changing table. I bought her a lot of clothes that fit her now and would fit her in the future. I also got her some toys, diapers, bottles, and formula. When I was done shopping I brought everything home. I laid Quinn on my bed and made room for her crib.

As I was setting her crib up she started to cry again. Picking her up and rocking her she kept crying. I smelt something and looked down at her butt.

"Oh no."I knew what that meant. She went poop and I have to change it. Damn... I laid her down back on the bed and got a diaper and wipes out. Taking her old diaper off I gagged at the smell. Quickly I changed her diaper and froze the old one and threw it away. Quinn continued to cry until I put a new outfit on. She didn't like getting dressed but it definitely was cute. I can't believe i'm already falling for her. Is this what being a parent is like? Loving someone who you just met?

I finished putting together her crib and once it was done I put her in it to sleep. Once she was asleep I started putting her clothes in a drawer in my dresser. I finished that and then I went on to baby proof my house. Quinn let out a small cry so I rushed over to her to see what she needed. I never knew I could care for someone so quickly. I picked her up and she immediately quieted down when I ran my hand over her pure white hair. I guess she just wanted to be held.

As night came I fed her again and then put her in her crib. Laying on my bed I started thinking about what the days ahead hold. I thought of what type of women  Quinn would become one day. Thinking about when I would start teaching her magic made me fall asleep. As I slept my dreams held a possible bright future she had coming her way.

"I hope you'll have a happy life my little Quinn," I said in my sleep.




Quinn's appearance

Hair color: White

Eye color: Light Blue

She has freckles all over her face and neck.

Gray assumes that her birthday is around October 15.

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