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Daniel watched as David plummeted off the cliff, screaming as he watched. His loved was going to die. His knees buckled as he watched David fall. His one and only. David. Daniel couldn't speak. He heard Gwen on the phone with someone. Probably the police.

He hoped it was the police. They would help David, right? Maybe. No. That was the paramedics. They would help his boyfriend. Yeah. The paramedics. He felt tears running down his face but he wasn't sobbing. He was just in shock. He had closed his eyes by now. He didn't want to see...

Daniel wouldn't move from where he was. He refused to move. He couldn't move. Not ever. Gwen had stopped talking no too long ago. Maybe? Daniel wasn't sure, since all he heard was ringing. Then he heard voices. They weren't Gwen's voices. He felt someone grab him. Daniel didn't struggle.

When he opened his eyes he was in an ambulance. The forest was gone and a large and heavy blanket was over him. It comforted him. Then he saw them. The stretcher with David on it. He must've screamed again because a nurse came up to him. She looked at him in horror. Daniel didn't know why until he looked down. He'd dug his nails so deep into his skin they were bleeding.

They patched him up and drove him to the hospital where he would be evaluated. Right? Yes. He saw Gwen there too. She was with him, talking to him. But Daniel couldn't make out the words. His ears were still ringing. They arrived at the hospital seconds later. Or was it hours? Minutes? Daniel wasn't sure.

The concept of time escaped him. Everything seemed so much faster. Like he was watching the world sped up. He closed his eyes to sleep. Maybe he could sleep. Yes. That would surely help. He was about to close his eyes but a doctor stood over him, speaking.

Daniel wasn't sure what he was saying. He felt fresh tears slip out of his eyes and he started to cry again. David. David! Where was David? He needed to find David. Daniel sprung up and only got halfway to the door before strong arms stopped him. He was screaming at this point.


But they didn't. They injected him with a sedative instead. Daniel watched the world slowly disappear, his screaming turned to whispers.

"Let me see him, let me see him,"

They laid him in the bed. He closed his eyes. He was tired. Daniel slept, the last few hours haunting his dreams.


David could still hear everything. He could feel everything. He felt as they picked him up and he tried to scream. But he couldn't. David couldn't move or speak, he couldn't even open his eyes. His whole body was on fire from pain. He wanted to scream and cry. But he couldn't. Then he heard them talking.

"Is he alive?"

"Somehow. This kid sure is a fighter,"

"Yeah, I wonder how he's still alive,"

"Well, there must not be any internal bleeding or brain damage. And nothing must've touched his organs either. But we can't be sure, we have to get him back up,"

The voices stopped after that. They carried him up to somewhere. Then he heard a car engine. Was he in an ambulance?

"Stick this in him, it'll help,"

Yup. Definitely ambulance. His mother was going to kill him. It must've been ten minutes later that the arrived at the hospital. As they moved him on the stretcher all he felt was pain. His whole body hurt. Well, he had jumped off a cliff.

"Come on, to the surgical room, quickly,"

Surgical room? Did he need surgery.

He felt him stop. They moved him onto another bed. They cut all of his clothes off.

"So it was a suicide attempt,"

"How do you know?"


It went silent. He knew they were looking at his cuts.

"Oh you poor child,"

They started surgery minutes later.

It hurt so much that David passed out.


Did I restart this book? Maybe.

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