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David breathed and stared over the edge of the cliff, tears running down his face. But he didn't jump, he just stood there, contemplating weather or not to jump.


As Daniel and Gwen ran through the woods they noticed footprints in the muddy ground of the forest.
"That could be David's prints!" Daniel huffed, exhausted from running.

"Maybe, lets follow them." Gwen nodded, and the pair continued running.


David stood up and took a breath. Come on you coward do it!

One foot dangled off the edge.

He stepped closer.


David turned around, startled from the noise. He walked towards the source of the rather loud crunch.

He couldn't find anything and summed it up to it being a squirrel or bird.

He walked back to the cliff.


Daniel and Gwen followed the footprints which headed towards the cliff. "What if he.." Daniel breathed out.

"He won't." Gwen growled.

"But after everything that's happened at school.. He might."

The two had paused as Daniel broke down.

"Listen here you little shit, David is not going to kill himself, not if we can help it. So pick your feet and run." Gwen had a tendency to always show tough love, which helped all of her friends more than reassuring love.


David sat there. He thought about all of the possibilities of his death. And his life. He stood up and took the plunge.

David felt everything fall into slow motion, and he smiled. He would be free at last.

Then he heard two shrieks above him


Omg I posted

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